
  • How Do You Define Wellness...With Dr. Gaetano Vaccaro, Psychologist, Certified Sex Addiction Counselor
    Nov 27 2024

    How would you define wellness?


    Wellness is more than a physical condition, and so much more than just the absence of illness or disease.


    I think about it as the body-mind (because body and mind are reciprocally linked) being in alignment with your behavior and habits.

    And if you are truly committed to that state of being, then you will establish a daily, weekly, or monthly practice of those behaviors.

    And, if you strive to be disciplined and consistent with that practice, it can contribute to your quality of life. It can help sustain mental health and physical vitality and ultimately, I believe that this mental and physical practice will promote longevity.

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    31 min
  • Roots And Resilience: Counseling, Culture, And Choice With Dr. Selina Hernandez, LPC-S, RPT
    Nov 20 2024

    Culture plays a significant role in shaping our identities and experiences. In this episode, Dr. James Flowers sits down with Dr. Selina Hernandez, a licensed professional counselor supervisor and registered play therapist, to delve into the profound influence of culture on the human condition. Dr. Selina shares how her experiences with cultural identity and resilience have shaped her counseling approach. They discuss the importance of cultural strategies in therapy, personal responsibility, and the transformative power of sand tray therapy. Dr. Selina also explores the challenges faced by women and men, the importance of a counselor's orientation, and the role of understanding one's roots in building resilience.

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    27 min
  • How Somatic Experiencing Can Unpack Trauma With Andrea Battle
    Sep 17 2024

    In this episode, we sit down with Andrea Battle, a J. Flowers Provider and expert in Somatic Experiencing, to explore how our bodies hold and release trauma. Andrea breaks down the science behind this powerful approach to healing, and shares real-life tips for anyone looking to reconnect with their body and ease the effects of stress. Whether you are new to the concept or looking to deepen your understanding, this episode is your guide to "shaking it off" and moving towards a more balanced and peaceful life.

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    30 min
  • Marc Kantor Joins the Team at J. Flowers Health
    Sep 10 2024

    Interventions aim to impact the human condition by helping individuals see themselves as they truly are, rather than through the distorted lens of addiction or untreated mental illness. This process is challenging because their brains have been hardwired by years of substance abuse or mental health issues. Essentially, Marc Kantor is asking people to make logical decisions with a brain that is not functioning logically. Marc enjoys sharing his own story of recovery, but other topics that are important to us including co-dependency, trauma and intergenerational trauma, binge eating disorder, attention deficit disorder, compulsive behaviors, spirituality, and the gift of desperation. Dr. Flowers will ask Marc about his transformation and his road to J. Flowers Health Institute.

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    30 min
  • 087 John Karren - Wilderness Therapy - Why Does it Work?
    Nov 16 2023

    John Karren is the owner and co-founder of Elements Wilderness Program in Utah. John helps run two therapeutic wilderness programs: Elements is for boys thirteen to seventeen, and Traverse is all gender, young adults eighteen to twenty five.

    Today, John joins the show to discuss ‘non-traditional’ therapies and how the outdoors can be such a great benefit to everyone.

    Key Takeaways

    01:03 – Shay Butts welcomes John Karren to the show to discuss wilderness therapy and other ‘non- traditional’ therapy options

    10:08 – How Elements Wilderness Program works

    14:42 – Dealing with the negativity surrounding outdoor therapy

    18:51 – Striving for excellence

    23:40 – The role parents play in Elements Wilderness Program

    26:53 – Shay thanks John for sharing his story today

    Tweetable Quotes“I think the biggest thing for us is that if the client doesn’t buy in, there will be no change. If we’re punishing them or consequencing them, they’re going to do it until the consequence has been lifted. So, really the focus for us is to get them to buy into themselves - to get them to understand what I’m feeling.” (10:29) (John)“For us - the clinical approach - we think of ourselves as a high-intense therapeutic intervention. And so, it’s a deep dive into what’s going on for me, for my family, for everything in my life, and then working through that in different ways.” (12:09) (John)“That’s the hardest part for me, it just tears at me knowing the value of what can happen with [outdoor therapy], and the change that can occur, and the excitement, and then to hear people just bash it and speak negatively about it. It’s hard.” (17:32) (John)“When people think about Wilderness, they think it’s just sending their child off. And I tell parents all the time, ‘You’re not sending your child away. You’re going on the journey with them.’” (23:50) (John)Resources Mentioned

    JFlowers Health Institute – https://jflowershealth.com/

    JFlowers Health Institute Contact – (713) 783-6655

    Subscribe on your favorite player: https://understanding-the-human-condition.captivate.fm/listen

    John’s LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnkarren/

    Elements Wilderness Website – https://www.elementswilderness.com/

    Shay Butts’ LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/shay-butts-8963b217/

    **The views and opinions expressed by our guests are those of the individual and do not necessarily reflect those of J. Flowers Health Institute. Any content provided by our co-host(s) or guests are of their opinion and are not intended to reflect the philosophy and policies of J. Flowers Health Institute itself. Nor is it intended to malign any recovery method, religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, individual, or anyone or anything.


    Podcast Production & Marketing by FullCast

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy

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    29 min
  • Tonda Chapman, Candy Finnigan, & Jeanie Griffin - Part Three - When Enough Is Enough [Episode 86]
    Sep 21 2023

    In Part Three of this very special series, Dr. Jason Flowers welcomes back to the show Tonda Chapman, Candy Finnigan, and Jeanie Griffin. Today, Tonda, Candy, and Jeanie talk about their experiences with interventions, reflect on servant leadership and share their passion for helping others.

    Key Takeaways

    00:02 – Tonda Chapman, Candy Finnigan, & Jeanie Griffin all join the show today to talk about interventions

    07:18 – Servant Leadership

    08:41 – Dr. Flowers opens up about the passion he has for helping people and how he manifested the life that he wanted

    14:47 – Dr. Flowers thanks listeners for tuning in to Part Three of this series

    Resources Mentioned

    JFlowers Health Institute – https://jflowershealth.com

    JFlowers Health Institute Contact – (713) 783-6655

    Subscribe on your favorite player: https://understanding-the-human-condition.captivate.fm/listen

    Tonda’s LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/tonda-chapman-3018b2154

    Candy’s LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/candy-finnigan-8194068

    Jeanie’s LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeanie-griffin-d-d-lmft-lpc-lcdc-25a3939

    Book Mentioned:

    When Enough Is Enough – ThriftBooks

    **The views and opinions expressed by our guests are those of the individual and do not necessarily reflect those of J. Flowers Health Institute. Any content provided by our co-host(s) or guests is their opinion and is not intended to reflect the philosophy and policies of J. Flowers Health Institute itself. Nor is it intended to malign any recovery method, religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, individual, or anyone or anything.


    Podcast Production & Marketing by FullCast

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    17 min
  • Tonda Chapman, Candy Finnigan, & Jeanie Griffin - Part Two - The Family Choice: Using "Bad" Words Like Intimacy And Vulnerability [Episode 85]
    Sep 7 2023

    In Part Two of this very special three-part series, Dr. Jason Flowers welcomes back to the show Tonda Chapman, Candy Finnigan, and Jeanie Griffin. Tonda, Candy, and Jeanie talk about the critical role that family plays in recovery and the value of intimacy and vulnerability.

    Key Takeaways

    01:31 – Tonda Chapman, Candy Finnigan, & Jeanie Griffin all join the show today to talk about intimacy and vulnerability

    07:52 – Tonda speaks to the importance of family in the process of recovery

    11:14 – Dr. Flowers thanks listeners for tuning in to Part Two of this episode and encourages them to return for Part Three with Tonda, Candy & Jeanie

    Resources Mentioned

    JFlowers Health Institute – https://jflowershealth.com

    JFlowers Health Institute Contact – (713) 783-6655

    Subscribe on your favorite player: https://understanding-the-human-condition.captivate.fm/listen

    Tonda’s LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/tonda-chapman-3018b2154/

    Candy’s LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/candy-finnigan-8194068/

    Jeanie’s LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeanie-griffin-d-d-lmft-lpc-lcdc-25a3939/

    **The views and opinions expressed by our guests are those of the individual and do not necessarily reflect those of J. Flowers Health Institute. Any content provided by our co-host(s) or guests is their opinion and is not intended to reflect the philosophy and policies of J. Flowers Health Institute itself. Nor is it intended to malign any recovery method, religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, individual, or anyone or anything.


    Podcast Production & Marketing by FullCast

    Voir plus Voir moins
    12 min
  • Tonda Chapman, Candy Finnigan, & Jeanie Griffin - Part One - Spirituality & Family: From The Bridge Of Reason To The Shore Of Faith [Episode 84]
    Aug 31 2023

    In Part One of a very special three-part series, Dr. James Flowers welcomes to the show Tonda Chapman, Candy Finnigan, & Jeanie Griffin.

    Today, Tonda, Candy, and Jeanie Griffin get personal and share their own experiences with addiction, recovery, spirituality, and The Twelve Step Program. They talk about family, and the people in our lives who become our family. Finally, they discuss the differences between belief and faith and turning to a higher power or being.

    Key Takeaways

    04:21 – Tonda Chapman, Candy Finnigan, & Jeanie Griffin all join the show today to talk about spirituality, addiction, recovery and family

    10:04 – Turning to God or a higher power

    15:23 – Family and the spiritual world

    22:39 – Jeanie’s approach to family programs

    32:41 – Belief and faith

    35:07 – Dr. Flowers thanks listeners for tuning in to Part One of this episode and encourages them to return for Parts Two and Three with Tonda, Candy & Jeanie

    Resources Mentioned

    J. Flowers Health Institute – https://jflowershealth.com

    J. Flowers Health Institute Contact – (713) 783-6655

    Subscribe on your favorite player: https://understanding-the-human-condition.captivate.fm/listen

    Tonda’s LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/tonda-chapman-3018b2154/

    Candy’s LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/candy-finnigan-8194068/

    Jeanie’s LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeanie-griffin-d-d-lmft-lpc-lcdc-25a3939/

    Books Mentioned

    Another Chance: Hope and Health for the Alcoholic Family - https://www.amazon.com/Another-Chance-Health-Alcoholic-Family/dp/0831400722

    **The views and opinions expressed by our guests are those of the individual and do not necessarily reflect those of J. Flowers Health Institute. Any content provided by our co-host(s) or guests are of their opinion and are not intended to reflect the philosophy and policies of J. Flowers Health Institute itself. Nor is it intended to malign any recovery method, religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, individual, or anyone or anything.


    Podcast Production & Marketing by FullCast

    Voir plus Voir moins
    36 min