During this program, we will explore the many labels given to these individuals. Some of the names include Indigo, Rainbow, Crystal, Star, Blue Diamond Star, and the Pyramid Children who Tristan began speaking about a couple of years ago. In addition to these more “higher vibrational labels,” we will also discuss those who have been diagnosed with the more Three Dimensional labels of ADD/ADHD, Autism, Asperger’s, Bipolar, OCD, Dyslexia and many others. With the more lower vibrational labels, unfortunately the emphasis is placed on what is viewed in this reality as “wrong” and not the strengths and gifts of these individuals. Perhaps these differences are actually spiritually based and are giving us a glimpse of our evolutionary journey. We all know that labels can be extremely disempowering since they create limitations as well as expectations and our New Children, Teens and Adults require that we open up to the infinite possibilities that they are sharing. What would it take to stop labeling and start creating???!!!