Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Unmasking the Nyepi Scandal: Dewi's Bold Rainy Quest Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/id/episode/2025-03-06-23-34-02-id Story Transcript:Id: Di tengah gemuruh hujan yang membasahi jalan-jalan Jakarta, SMA Pelita Jaya tetap sibuk.En: Amidst the roar of rain soaking the streets of Jakarta, SMA Pelita Jaya remains bustling.Id: Di dalam kelas, suara rintik hujan terdengar jelas, menambah suasana tegang di antara para siswa.En: Inside the classroom, the sound of rain droplets is clearly heard, adding tension among the students.Id: Di sekolah ini, Dewi adalah seorang pelajar yang sangat tertarik membuat film.En: At this school, Dewi is a student who is very interested in making films.Id: Baru-baru ini, dia mendengar rumor tentang skandal liburan Nyepi yang melibatkan kepala sekolah.En: Recently, she heard rumors about a Nyepi holiday scandal involving the principal.Id: "Skandal itu ada di mana-mana," bisik Dewi kepada Raka, sahabatnya, saat mereka duduk di kantin sekolah.En: "The scandal is everywhere," whispered Dewi to Raka, her best friend, as they sat in the school canteen.Id: "Aku harus membuat video tentang ini.En: "I have to make a video about this."Id: "Raka, yang bercita-cita menjadi jurnalis, menatap Dewi skeptis.En: Raka, who aspires to be a journalist, looked at Dewi skeptically.Id: "Kau yakin?En: "Are you sure?Id: Bukti masih sedikit.En: There's little evidence.Id: Lagipula, kepala sekolah dan staf sekolah berusaha menutupinya.En: Besides, the principal and school staff are trying to cover it up."Id: "Namun, Dewi tidak goyah.En: However, Dewi was unwavering.Id: "Justru karena itu kita harus mengungkap kebenarannya.En: "Precisely because of that, we have to uncover the truth."Id: "Di sisi lain kantin, Sari memandang kedua sahabat itu dengan penuh minat.En: On the other side of the canteen, Sari watched the two friends with great interest.Id: Dia selalu menjadi pesaing Dewi dalam hal prestasi.En: She has always been Dewi's competitor in terms of achievements.Id: Namun, ada sesuatu yang Sari tahu tentang skandal ini yang membuatnya tertarik untuk ikut campur.En: However, there was something Sari knew about this scandal that intrigued her to get involved.Id: Dewi menghadapi dilema: harus percaya pada Raka, Sari, atau bekerja sendiri.En: Dewi faced a dilemma: should she trust Raka, Sari, or work alone?Id: Raka mungkin skeptis, tapi dia adalah teman yang setia.En: Raka might be skeptical, but he is a loyal friend.Id: Dan Sari, meskipun rival, sepertinya menyimpan informasi berharga.En: And Sari, although a rival, seemed to hold valuable information.Id: Dengan tekad, Dewi mendekati Sari.En: With determination, Dewi approached Sari.Id: "Aku tahu kau tahu lebih banyak tentang skandal ini.En: "I know you know more about this scandal.Id: Apa kau mau bekerja sama?En: Would you like to cooperate?"Id: "Sari tersenyum, "Mungkin kita bisa saling bantu.En: Sari smiled, "Maybe we can help each other.Id: Tapi, hati-hati.En: But, be careful.Id: Ada banyak yang dipertaruhkan.En: A lot is at stake."Id: "Bersama-sama, mereka mulai mengumpulkan bukti.En: Together, they began gathering evidence.Id: Berjalan dengan payung di bawah hujan, mereka mendatangi berbagai sumber.En: Walking with umbrellas under the rain, they approached various sources.Id: Hari demi hari mereka mencari jawaban di balik rumor tersebut.En: Day by day, they sought answers behind the rumors.Id: Namun, tantangan semakin besar saat ada ancaman dari pihak sekolah yang menuntut Dewi berhenti mencari-cari.En: However, the challenges grew as there were threats from the school demanding Dewi stop her investigations.Id: Puncaknya, Dewi menemukan sesuatu yang mengejutkan di laci meja kepala sekolah — sebuah dokumen.En: At the climax, Dewi discovered something shocking in the drawer of the principal's desk — a document.Id: Ini adalah bukti kuat yang bisa mengungkapkan kebenaran di balik skandal tersebut.En: This was strong evidence that could reveal the truth behind the scandal.Id: Tapi, jika dia mengungkapnya, dia akan berisiko dikeluarkan.En: But, if she exposed it, she might risk expulsion.Id: Di akhir pekan, ketika sekolah mengadakan acara Hari Media, Dewi sudah membuat keputusan.En: On the weekend, when the school hosted the Media Day event, Dewi had already made a decision.Id: Dia memutar video hasil kerjanya.En: She played the video of her work.Id: Video itu menggemparkan seluruh sekolah.En: The video rocked the entire school.Id: Kepala sekolah langsung ditempatkan di bawah penyelidikan.En: The principal was immediately placed under investigation.Id: Meskipun videonya mendapat reaksi campur aduk, Dewi tahu satu hal yang pasti.En: Although her video received mixed reactions, Dewi knew one thing for sure.Id: Dia telah belajar tentang kekuatan dan konsekuensi dari sebuah cerita.En: She had learned about the power and consequences of a story.Id: Ceritanya memang bisa mengubah ...