
  • Homemade Gats with CTRLPew
    May 29 2022

    The godfather of 3d printed gats came on to talk to us about what's new in the space. We had a great time goofing around with him.

    Find him and all of his awesomeness at: https://ctrlpew.com/

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    1 h et 19 min
  • Jury Duty with Slappy Jones
    May 22 2022

    Gumbo had a moment and then we had a great conversation with Slappy Jones from the Rollo and Slappy show. We talked about his experience as a juror and the concept of Jury Nullification.

    It is a very important civic duty that you listen to this episode.

    You can learn more about this topic at: https://fija.org/

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 4 min
  • Embracing the Suck with Walt
    May 7 2022

    We had Walt on to talk about his veteran based podcast (How I Embraced the Suck) and his motivations for doing it. It was a great conversation and he has a VALUABLE product that he produces. We highly recommend giving it a listen.

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    1 h et 11 min
  • Early Church Response to the State with Jonny Panda
    Apr 30 2022

    One of our homeboys from Hawaii dropped in and let us ask him questions about how early Christians responded to government overreach. We compared and contrasted these different responses with what is going on today.

    We hope you like it.

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    1 h et 23 min
  • Christian Agorism with Joshua
    Apr 24 2022

    This episode was recorded back in September 2021 and I was lazy/distracted/busy/ (take your pick) and neglected to get this published until now. It's too bad too, Joshua is a great guest and has loads of information about the topic. I hope he's not too mad at me for taking so long to release this episode.

    We talked at length about how the church should be responding to the growing overreach of the state. I hope you enjoy this show.

    You can find Joshua on his own podcast linked here called the "Our Foundations Podcast"


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    1 h et 27 min
  • Communicate! with Scott Grayson
    Sep 19 2021
    Scott is a blogger at Strength and Reason, a blog devoted to helping you learn to think for yourself. He’s also a co-host of Mentally Unscripted, a podcast dedicated to helping people view the world with a critical eye and improve their communication. Scott is a contributor at Liberty Weekly and Torch News where he writes about the law and libertarian and anarchist philosophy. Scott started his career in information technology. He then attended law school before spending 10 years investigating civil rights and health information privacy complaints for the U.S. Government. He left the government in June 2019 to start Strength & Reason and Mentally Unscripted. You can find Scott at Strengthandreason.com, Mentallyunscripted.com, and on Twitter at @StrengthReason.
    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 4 min
  • Informed Consent with Jeremy R. Hammond
    Sep 12 2021

    Jeremy R. Hammond exposes dangerous state propaganda, freeing minds and empowering readers with actionable knowledge to help shape a brighter future.

    We talked about informed consent and the latest dictates of the president.

    You can find more about Jeremy and his works at jeremyrhammond.com where you can also sign up for his newsletter (highly recommended).

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 17 min
  • Homeschool Your Kids with Linsey Knerl Because The State Wants to Steal Your Children
    Sep 5 2021

    Linsey Knerl is a mom of six who has been homeschooling since 2004. Her interest in small business and entrepreneurship led to a freelance writing career that complimented her own homeschool style. Linsey has been a trusted source for families since 2008. Her tips for budgeting have appeared in various publications, including Time, Shape, Better Homes & Gardens, Reader’s Digest, Family Circle, All You, and Woman’s World. Her media company (Knerl Family Media) has grown to include her better half in life and business, Sam. Together Sam and Linsey work to educate and support their growing family.

    The bois: https://twitter.com/CryptoGumbo, https://twitter.com/q_abolitionist

    The guest: https://www.linseyknerl.com/, https://twitter.com/LKnerl

    Support: https://www.patreon.com/UnshackledLiberty

    Merch: https://teespring.com/stores/unshackled-liberty-podcast

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    1 h et 2 min