
  • Season Finale: Building Credibility
    Dec 26 2024

    Season Finale Episode: Building Credibility (Transformation, Be You, etc…) Welcome: "Welcome to the UNTIED Podcast, where we unravel the knots of life with faith, wisdom, and encouragement—because together, we're here to untie from tradition and embrace truth through powerful Bible teaching!”

    Segment #1 - Welcome to Season 1, Episode 14.….. What’s been cooking? In your life, in your ministry, and on your grill?!

    Segment #2 - Your Daily Anchor with Garrett Bernethy

    Segment #3 - Building Credibility - What is the “secret” to transformation? • No secrets: God has made all things known as to what He desires for us in our life • Obedience, Faith, Love, Forgiveness, Kindness, Etc. • As a disciple, what is the best way for me to gain credibility with others (Christian Credibility) • Is it really as simple as being myself? Or should I be something or somebody different? • What does transformation really mean? • Does God want a “religious version” of me? Or does He want the real me? • Authenticity, following your faith, seeking truth, striving to be like Him - This builds credibility • Credibility for what? Teaching, preaching, evangelizing, etc…

    End Notes We want to thank you for tuning in for our very first season of the UNTIED Podcast! We are grateful for you as a listener and viewer of this show, and we pray that this has been something that has blessed your life greatly from the conversations and discussions that we have had with all of the topics we have talked about.

    While season 1 has come to an end, this show is not over! Season 2 is right around the corner and will make its debut in February of 2025. Over our break, we will be planning season 2, making a few changes and updates, we will have a new line-up of “Weekly Ministry Spotlights,” and much more. We will also be praying for you and our discussions as we will have a whole new theme and list of topics to discuss and study.

    This season has been so much fun! Thank you for joining us, listening to us, and studying with us! Please be sure to Like our Excel Still More Inc. Facebook page to see all updates, sign up for our monthly newsletter @ excelstillmore.net, and like, share, subscribe, and follow this UNTIED Podcast. Help us get the word out to grow this podcast. Please send in any questions or comments; we would love to hear from you!

    Thank you for joining us for season 1, and until season 2, we hope that the Lord will continue to bless you in your walk with Him and that you will stay UNTIED!

    Charles Hodge: My Daily Walk With God

    Link: https://www.amazon.com/daily-walk-God-Charles-Hodge/dp/0967066336/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2SQDY776JXQ9J&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.ox2AhMsciD4JsItB8Jvzbpb27tRR3h-7k1Mfxs0nWgAhiNODBQja3dOPWQ-d1Ri2RTHJOZ9IT9IUqCDgKs0bdfr8WxImMQxOGCctohnoPSuVa787UmMItTXLAjzv7_0kddQXzmDhMLvZ6EICyBVT5GiYCh0IszcE8hAJDrBo4BYfiP9NDdRQyt1Udfx-nBUNLuOS3Msky8LS-BBZBTH1TrtCpRipqZRqcsNjynAMPsM.Av05CF24dt7MbyVIT2641_7apQ83EIGZ8SOaYww6c28&dib_tag=se&keywords=my+daily+walk+with+God&qid=1735234358&sprefix=my+daily+walk+with+god+%2Caps%2C147&sr=8-1

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 11 min
  • Big Picture Episode, The New Testament
    Dec 19 2024

    Show Theme: Big Picture Episode, The New Testament

    Welcome: "Welcome to the UNTIED Podcast, where we unravel the knots of life with faith, wisdom, and encouragement—because together, we're here to untie from tradition and embrace truth through powerful Bible teaching!”

    Segment #1 - Welcome to Season 1, Episode 13.….. What’s been cooking? In your life, in your ministry, and on your grill?!

    Segment #2 - Your Daily Anchor with Corey Sawyers

    Segment #3 - Big Picture Episode - The New Testament (How it connects, is laid out, etc…) This should be fun to play with for each of us. Free conversation about it. Importance of it How it applies to our lives Is it more important than the Old Testament?

    Thank you for joining us for this episode of the Untied Podcast! We appreciate you greatly and pray that this conversation will bless you as you strive to walk with the Lord. For more content by Excel Still More Inc., be sure to head to our website @ www.excelstillmore.net!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 20 min
  • Preachers, Are They Real People Like Everyone Else?
    Dec 13 2024

    Show Theme: Preachers, are they real people like everyone else?

    Welcome: "Welcome to the UNTIED Podcast, where we unravel the knots of life with faith, wisdom, and

    encouragement—because together, we're here to untie from tradition and embrace truth through powerful Bible teaching!"

    Segment #1 - Welcome to Season 1, Episode 11.….. What’s been cooking?

    • In your life, in your ministry, and on your grill?!

    Segment #2 - Your Daily Anchor with Tyler King

    Segment #3 - Preachers, are they real people like everyone else?

    • Why do we look at preachers differently?
    • Do they live the same kind of lives as the rest of the people?
    • Do they experience the same type of problem that others face?
    • Do they have some kind of “hack” to know what the Bible teaches that allows them to know more than other people?
    • Can I know my preacher and be good friends with him like I am with other people?
    • Should I look at his family differently than I look at my own?
    • Is he a real person or a spiritual robot?

    Thank you for joining us! We pray that this episode has or will bless you in some way! May the Lord continue to bless you in your journey home. Stay UNTIED!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 38 min
  • What We May Not Consider Regarding The Woman's Role
    Dec 5 2024

    Show Theme: What we may not consider regarding the woman's role. What are her roles and responsibilities? What are they not? How does this affect the family and the Church when she does not understand her role? Can she lead?

    Welcome: "Welcome to the UNTIED Podcast, where we unravel the knots of life with faith, wisdom, and encouragement—because together, we're here to untie from tradition and embrace truth through powerful Bible teaching!"

    Segment #1 - Welcome to Season 1, Episode 11.….. What’s been cooking?

      • In your life, in your ministry, and on your grill?!

    Segment #2 - Your Daily Anchor with Garrett Bernethy

    Segment #3 - What we may not consider regarding the woman's role.

        • We often focus on what the Woman’s role for what she cannot do, but are there things that she can do?
        • Is a woman able to be a leader in the Church? If so, how?
        • How important is her role?

    When it comes to a godly woman, what exactly do we need to “untie” from and tie ourselves to?

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 36 min
  • Defining A “Christian Man” Vs. A “Worldy Man”
    Nov 28 2024

    Show Theme: Defining the “Christian Man” vs. a “Worldy Man.” Differences, Responsibilities: Will they step up to lead? Are they afraid of their faith? What will a man do and not do?

    Welcome: "Welcome to the UNTIED Podcast, where we unravel the knots of life with faith, wisdom, and encouragement—because together, we're here to untie from tradition and embrace truth through powerful Bible teaching!"

    We want to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!!

    Segment #1 - Welcome to Season 1, Episode 9.….. What’s been cooking?

      • In your life, in your ministry, and on your grill?!

    Segment #2 - Your Daily Anchor with Corey Sawyers

    Segment #3 - Studying “Verses” Vs. Studying “Texts”

    • The controversy surrounding what a man really is
    • What is the basis of what a godly man looks like
    • The difference between being “spiritual-minded” and “physically minded”
    • What responsibilities does a Christian man possess
      • Will they step up to lead?
      • Are they afraid of their faith?
      • What will man do and not do?
      • What should a man do?

    Thanks for joining us, and stay UNTIED!

    Garrett, Corey, and Tyler

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 42 min
  • Studying "Verses" Vs. Studying "Texts" Part 2
    Nov 21 2024

    Show Theme: Studying “Verses” Vs. Studying “Texts” PART 2…Is there a benefit to one over the other? What are some study habits or techniques to help? How do we UNTIE from reading the Bible and thinking, “What does this say to me?”

    Welcome to the UNTIED Podcast, where we unravel the knots of life with faith, wisdom, and encouragement—because together, we're here to untie from tradition and embrace truth through powerful Bible teaching!

    Segment #1 - Welcome to Season 1, Episode 8.….. What’s been cooking?

    Segment #2 - Your Daily Anchor with Tyler King Segment #3 - Studying “Verses” Vs. Studying “Texts”: Studying “Verses” Vs. Studying “Texts” and just how vital is the biblical text to us spiritually?

    Please send in any questions or comments; we would love to hear from you! Please Like, Follow, Share, and Subscribe!

    Thank you for tuning in to the UNTIED Podcast!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 40 min
  • Studying "Verse" Vs. Studying "Texts"...Part 1
    Nov 14 2024

    Show Theme: Studying “Verses” Vs. Studying “Texts”…Is there a benefit to one over the other? What are some study habits or techniques to help? How do we UNTIE from reading the Bible and thinking, “What does this say to me?”

    Welcome to the UNTIED Podcast, where we unravel the knots of life with faith, wisdom, and encouragement—because together, we're here to untie from tradition and embrace truth through powerful Bible teaching!

    Segment #1 - Welcome to Season 1, Episode 8.….. What’s been cooking?

    Segment #2 - Your Daily Anchor with Garrett Bernethy

    Segment #3 - Studying “Verses” Vs. Studying “Texts”

      • Let’s think about the benefits of Bible study
      • What are some ways that we can effectively study
      • Studying “Verses” Vs. Studying “Texts”
      • Just how vital is the biblical text to us spiritually?

    Please send in any questions or comments; we would love to hear from you! Please Like, Follow, Share, and Subscribe!

    Thank you for tuning in to the UNTIED Podcast!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 8 min
  • A Look At Christian Doctrine, Godly Morals, and Church Unity, PART 2
    Nov 7 2024

    Season 1 Episode #:7

    Show Theme: Looking at Christian doctrine, godly morals, and church unity. What are the basics of what a Christian looks like? What am I capable of? Are we still brothers if you sin?…PART 2

    Welcome: "Welcome to the Untied Podcast, where we unravel the knots of life with faith, wisdom, and encouragement—because together, we're here to untie from tradition and embrace truth through powerful Bible teaching!"

    Segment #1 - Welcome to Season 1, Episode 7…What’s been cooking?

    Segment #2 - Your Daily Anchor with Corey Sawyers

    Segment #3 - Part 2 or a 2 Part Series

    • Christian Doctrine: What are the basics of what a Christian looks like?
    • Godly Morals: What Am I Capable of?
    • Church Unity: Are We Still Brothers If We Sin?

    Segment #5 - Weekly Ministry Spotlight!

    Be The Good - is a ministry committed to sharing with others the challenges and joys that accompany our being a part of God's family. Their goal is to offer relevant and thought-provoking material on today's issues. A work that focuses on living the Christian life. “Be The Good” has several good resources on its website: www.bethegood.life, which consists of articles, devotional thoughts, and the Be The Good Podcast. If you check their website, you can also find a New Testament Reading Plan that takes you through the NT in 90 days, Sermon note pages for kids, and if you are looking for good slides to use for worship, this is a good place to check out.

    “Be The Good” is a ministry of Keith Harris, who is the preaching minister for the Lewisville Church of Christ in Lewisville, Texas, where he and his wife serve. If you are looking for a positive, uplifting, biblical work that will help you grow in your spiritual life, look no further than Be The Good!

    We also highlight an event entitled Diakonons, which is a Leadership Conference at the Lewisville Church of Christ in Lewisville, Texas, which will be held on November 8th & 9th. For more information and to register to attend, you can head to their website @ https://lewisvillecofc.org/diakonos.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 41 min