Investigative reporter Runako Celina begins to uncover the dark and twisted world of wildlife trafficking and meets a unique character who is at the center of it all. On this season of Pull The Thread, The Wild Life takes an unprecedented look at the fascinating, corrupt, and oftentimes dangerous world of the illegal wildlife trade. [Content Warning: Contains description of violence to animals.]
Executive Produced by: Drake, Adel “Future” Nur, Peter Nelson, Maggie Gilbride (DreamCrew Entertainment); Coral Lee (Luminary); Max O’Brien (Novel); Mauricio Gris and Alex Farquharson (Thread Studios)
Host - Runako Celina
Producer - Saskia Collette
Additional Production - Julian Manuguerra-Patten and Jake Otajovic
Researcher - Madeleine Parr
Editor - Mythili Rao
Original music composer - Jake Long
Music Supervisor- Nicholas Alexander
Sound designer and mixer - David Smith
Fact checker - Dania Suleman
Voice of Wolf - Ivan Ivashkin
Follow Pull the Thread: The Wild Life wherever you get your podcasts. To hear episodes early and ad-free subscribe to the Luminary Channel on Apple Podcasts, or directly on Luminary
Luminary: @hearluminary
Drake’s DreamCrew Entertainment: @dreamcrew
Novel: @novelpodcasts
Thread Studios: @threadstudiosuk
Runako Celina: @runakocelina
Focused Conservation:@focused.conservation