In this captivating episode of "ASIA SenseMaker," renowned historian Prof. Marie Favereau explores the intricate history of the Mongol Empire, offering a fresh perspective on its diplomatic, economic, and cultural significance. Moving beyond the common narrative of Genghis Khan's conquests, Favereau sheds light on how the Mongols employed innovative strategies, psychological warfare, and cutting-edge technologies like gunpowder to dominate vast territories. She also highlights the empire's unique integration of diverse cultures and enemies, showcasing how figures like Batu Khan transformed the Kipchak Steppe into a thriving trade hub. The discussion also delves into the Mongols' complex relationships with Russia, Hungary, and Islamic states, revealing their role in the transfer of technology and their groundbreaking approach to religious tolerance. Favereau emphasizes the Mongols' lasting impact on global trade, diplomacy, and even the exploration age, making this episode a must-watch for history enthusiasts. Don't miss this deep dive into the Mongol Empire's profound legacy on world history!#MongolEmpire #GenghisKhan #MarieFavereau #AsianHistory #WorldHistory #MedievalHistory #TradeRoutes #Gunpowder #ReligiousTolerance #GoldenHorde #HistoryExplained #ASIASenseMakerAbout ASIA SenseMakerThese sessions are thought-provoking dialogues on diverse topics, blending informal charm and seminar-quality insights. Explore complex issues, challenge assumptions, and gain new perspectives through online and offline discussions fostering open, insightful exchange. Discover the series, engage with ideas, and contribute to the discourse shaping our future. About ASIAThe Advanced Study Institute of Asia (ASIA) is a new interdisciplinary research centre at the Shree Guru Gobind Singh Tricentenary University (SGT University), Gurugram. Our focus on South & Southeast Asia as an academic entity will be all-encompassing, from politics to health, and to do this, we are being joined by some of the leading lights in their field. An important area of our research will focus on the wider region of South Asia and South-east Asia with particular emphasis on economy, health, demography, and security. We've recently Launched 'De/Cypher': Newsletter for Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh News! Asia Everyweek ( the boardThe board is chaired by Prof. Najeeb Jung (retired Indian Administrative Service officer who served as the 20th Lieutenant Governor of Delhi) followed by Dr. Indu Bhushan- Vice Chairman of ASIA, Dr. Rajat Nag- Member of the Board of ASIA, Ms. Sandhya Vasudevan, Member of the Board of ASIA, Sh. Manpreet Singh Badal, and Mr. Amogh Dev Rai – Ex-officio Director Research and other young researchers.Follow us at:🌐 Website :🔗 LinkedIn :📸 Instagram :🐦 Twitter : @asiavisual1