
  • EXPERT SERIES: Taylor Swift & Awaken Church - Part 1
    Aug 9 2023

    For this episode I'll talk about Taylor on two levels...#1 As herself, an entertainer not worth listening to. #2 As an icon representing the entertainment industry, and representing those who believe they are Christians but speak, behave, and believe lies at a foundational level.

    With Awaken church I'll do the same. #1 I'll talk about their false teachings, but #2 I'll also speak about them as an icon representing the types of churches who preach incorrect doctrine and lead people astray but with the best of intentions and lots of charm.

    There are so many people lately that I'm learning do not believe in basic Christian beliefs like the exclusivity of Christ, that he values pre-born children and hates their murder. How is this happening?! It's like all the rocky soil and thorny soil people are showing their fruits, or lack thereof. Can we say they aren't Christians? Can we judge them by their fruits? And what happens at the corporate church level to develop these false converts? And also, if we're not gonna listen to Taylor Swift with joy anymore, what can we listen to? Should we drop all the singers who are sinners? Should we take a vow of silence and become sad, non-music listening souls who occasionally dabble in hymns? Let's talk about it!

    Taylor Swift - "I am Christian."

    The candidate Taylor was talking about - Marsha Blackburn

    Karma in Hindism

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    26 min
  • EXPERT SERIES: Dallas Jenkins & I might not love the same Jesus
    Jun 12 2023


    Many people watch the Chosen and LOVE it. Others are frustrated because the director and staff don't all share a Biblical Worldview. Does it matter? So Dallas Jenkins said he wouldn't say that all LDS (Latter Day Saint" members love the Jesus he does, but some of them do, including his close friends. What should we do with this information? Should it impact us? Should his show be seen as a ministry and what would that look like?

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    30 min
  • Knowing the difference between arguing and a godly appeal can make all the difference!
    May 18 2023

    My teens argue with me and eventually it makes me crazy. I may explode and become reactionary, bringing with it guilt and regret. Instead, we're learning to teach a godly appeal method to our teens. This way they get to offer thoughts and ideas without arguing. Brilliant! But, we've got a LOT of work to do on ourselves and our kiddos - thankfully it's one step at a time. 

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    23 min
  • Who chooses?
    May 11 2023

    Everyone has an opinion, and preferences. So when do we, as moms, get to decide what our kids do, listen to, watch, and when do they, the teen or child decide? That's a tough one but I'll share with you how we handle the music preferences in our home.

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    26 min
  • Two BIG things are changing that I wanted to share with you
    May 10 2023

    Times change and all things have to be evaluated in their season. This episode is all about what's coming up in the next season for me and what I'm saying yes to and no to. 

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    30 min
  • How I Gain Perspective on Hard Days
    Apr 20 2023

    Some days are blah. I just feel off and am more reactive. What's going on and how do I get outta this funky weird feeling? 

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    20 min
  • What's On Your List?
    Apr 13 2023

    We all need a list of things to do so we don't fall prey to idle time. I'm not talking about rest here, or taking care of ourselves...but idleness. Also, I talk about discipleship and Titus 2 because that's where God's had me for the last few months in Bible Study and so I'll share some of the convictions I've gleaned around the area of submission over the years. Yep, the "s" word is comin' at ya!

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    28 min
  • EXPERT SERIES: Tim Mackie Part 2
    Apr 11 2023

    Be careful when the imaginings of men trump the truth of scripture. BEWARE: This episode might be considered PG-13 for some as it mentions homosexuality and some of their practices.

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    27 min