We were joined in this episode by our data scientist at R&D remote sensing, Uria Levkovitz. Our discussion will cover how he became a data scientist, what he does at BlueGreen, and our groundbreaking satellite and drone capabilities.
Your Company Is Only as Extraordinary as the People in It. In the 'Meet the BlueGreeners' podcast, you will get to know the people behind BlueGreen water technologies, a Global Watertech company.
Read more about us at https://bluegreenwatertech.com/
#Watertech #Science #Remote_monitoring_Satellites_Drones #Harmful_Algal_Blooms #HAB #Water_Scientist #Global_Watertech_Company #Watertech_science_company #internet_of_water #BlueGreen_Water_Technologies #Bgtech #BGtechs_Academy
Thanks to our host Gabriel Rozman, producer and editor Or Daniel