
  • EP05: To Be or Not to Be...Death Penalty (In Utopia)
    Feb 22 2023

    What warrants the death penalty in our current society?  Murder is certainly on the list, but is that all?  Should Utopia have the death penalty if the only goal is to punish the crime?  And if not, how would Utopia handle those who commit unspeakable acts of violence that currently warrant the death penalty?  In this episode, we discuss all of these questions while we try to better understand why the death penalty is still used today.  We also try to imagine Utopia where the death penalty is no longer used.  

    Utopian AF: The Podcast Socials: https://linktr.ee/utopianaf

    Podcast Produced By: Paddraick Berry and John Wood/AF Podcasts

    Voir plus Voir moins
    37 min
  • EP04: Is the Death Penalty Effective?
    Feb 15 2023

    Is the death penalty effective?  Does it actually serve as a deterrent for the most heinous of criminals? Or do we use it purely for punitive purposes?  In this episode we seek to better understand the death penalty and its role in our current world.  We also look at what the international community's opinion is on the matter while we discuss serial killers in popular culture and try to understand what constitutes a valid candidate for the sentence.

    Utopian AF: The Podcast Socials: https://linktr.ee/utopianaf

    Podcast Produced By: Paddraick Berry and John Wood/AF Podcasts

    Voir plus Voir moins
    42 min
  • EP03: How do we build Utopia for domestic pets?
    Jan 18 2023

    In our third episode on Domestic Pets, we discuss the importance of education, learn how to spell RESPECT,  and try to determine how we evolve from our current practices of pet ownership to a society that values all lives equally.  And as always, we mix in a little nonsense for comedic effect.

    Utopian AF: The Podcast Socials: https://linktr.ee/utopianaf

    Podcast Produced By: Paddraick Berry and John Wood/AF Podcasts

    Voir plus Voir moins
    39 min
  • EP02: Should we have domestic pets in Utopia?
    Jan 6 2023

    Continuing our discussion on domestic pets from the previous episode, we examine whether or not people in Utopia should be allowed to own pets or if there is another way to coexist.  We also discuss what the alternatives would be without pet ownership and whether or not they are viable. 

    Oh, and there is a brief discussion about AI-centric pets!

    Utopian AF: The Podcast Socials: https://linktr.ee/utopianaf

    Podcast Produced By: Paddraick Berry and John Wood/AF Podcasts

    Voir plus Voir moins
    40 min
  • EP01: How do we view domestic pets today?
    Jan 2 2023

    How do we view domestic pets today...are they family, or property?  In the first episode of our three part series on domestic pets, we research some interesting facts about our furry friends (did you know there are approximately 473 million dogs worldwide?) while we discuss the pets in our lives and their impact on us as people.  

    Utopian AF: The Podcast Socials: https://linktr.ee/utopianaf

    Podcast Produced By: Paddraick Berry and John Wood/AF Podcasts

    Voir plus Voir moins
    35 min
  • Welcome to Utopia!
    Dec 27 2022

    Welcome to Utopia! 

    In the first episode of Utopian AF: The Podcast, your hosts Paddraick and John discuss the overview of the podcast as well as what the definition of a Utopia is and how we plan to address the major issues that prevent us from achieving it.  Equal parts insightful and ridiculous, this episode sets the stage for what our audience can expect from us while inviting everyone to join in the discussion. 

    We welcome everyone to Utopian AF: The Podcast.

    Utopian AF: The Podcast Socials: https://linktr.ee/utopianaf

    Podcast Produced By: Paddraick Berry and John Wood/AF Podcasts

    Voir plus Voir moins
    10 min