
  • Episode 11: 9/11 20th Anniversary
    Sep 11 2021

    Hey Veteran! Today is another special episode discussing the 20th anniversary of September 11'th, 2001 and the events that happened that day. There is a moment of silence during the podcast for those who had fallen during those events so if things go quiet, that's why. We also shift subjects through the podcast to touch on people who almost joined the military and then into some of Joseph's time as a bodybuilder. Below will be links of the various topics covered and as always how to reach us.

    Brief history of 9/11: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/September_11_attacks 

    Youtube video of Joseph training: https://youtu.be/uXcca_ZlWIE 

    Instagram post from Kai himself: https://www.instagram.com/p/BVDHedTDpE8/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link 


    As always you can reach us at:

    E-mail: Veterantalkraw@gmail.com Facebook: Veteran Talk: RAW Twitter: @VeteranRaw Instagram: Veteran Talk Raw

    Voir plus Voir moins
    58 min
  • Episode 10: Restrepo & PTSD
    Aug 30 2021

    Hey Veteran! This episode we cover topics regarding the movie Restrepo and the real world effects of going to combat has. We discuss our time in Afghanistan and the relation between the two. We also highlight the discussion on PTSD and how it has come full circle since World War II. 

    Mental Health Response:

    Crisis text line: Text HOME to 741741 to reach a crisis counselor. VA Hotline: 800-273-8255 (24 hours a day)


    Veteran Compensation Help



    Veteran Talk: RAW

    Facebook: Veteran Talk: Raw E-mail us: veterantalkraw@gmail.com Twitter: @VeteranRaw Instagram: Veteran Talk Raw

    Voir plus Voir moins
    52 min
  • Episode 9: The Effects of Pulling Out
    Aug 16 2021

    Hey Veteran! We bring this special episode to you due to the big draw down from the military within Afghanistan. We have a special guest on this episode as we share our experiences through our time in Afghanistan and our thoughts on how things are currently playing out. If you have thoughts on the current situation or want to talk about your time overseas shoot us an e-mail or contact us via our Facebook page. We would love to hear your perspective from your deployment. Also, we mention a senator and some help is was providing. If you want to more information on this shoot us a message and we will get it to you.


    E-mail: Veterantalkraw@gmail.com Facebook: Veteran Talk: RAW Google us at Veteran Talk Raw and we will pop up for other episodes.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    43 min
  • Episode 8: Covid & Back2School
    Aug 16 2021

    Hey Veteran! We talk about the vaccine and the rumors that have been circulating around the mandatory vaccine for those in the Military. We also delve into what it's like to be a veteran going back to college. The differences between veterans and the average student in college.


    FB: Veteran Talk: RAW

    E-Mail: veterantalkraw@gmail.com

    Voir plus Voir moins
    39 min
  • Episode 7: Special Guest Vic
    Aug 2 2021

    Hey Veteran! We have another special guest episode, this time with Vic. The first non-infantry and non-combat MOS (military occupational specialization). Vic shares a couple of stories behind why he joined and some stories from his time within the Army.  Below is Vic's Instagram as he mentioned as well as a direct link to the Military Fresh Network home page. 

    Vic's Instagram: @acekweli

    Military Fresh Network: https://militaryfreshnetwork.com/ 

    Veteran Talk Raw information as always - e-mail: Veterantalkraw@gmail.com

    Facebook: Veteran Talk: RAW Instagram: @Veterantalkraw Twitter: @VeteranRaw

    Voir plus Voir moins
    43 min
  • Episode 6: The VA, Good or Bad?
    Jul 26 2021

    Hey Veteran! In this episode we discuss the current status of the Veterans Administration (VA). We share our personal experiences with the VA and a lot of the issues we have seen firsthand. The goal of this episode was to raise some awareness on the struggles the VA has with keeping up with the demands of veterans. We would love to hear some positive outcomes you had with the VA so we can spread the word as well. Below are the links mentioned in the podcast to guide you to finding the veteran service officer (VSO) to help get you your benefits.


    This website has additional links to guide you to finding a VSO as well as the number to call: https://nvf.org/veteran-service-officers/ 

    VSO number to help find a VSO if you don't have internet is: 888-777-4443

    Veteran Suicide Help: Crisis Text line: Text to get help - 741741 Veteran Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255  Press 1

    Suicide Prevention from the VA: https://www.mentalhealth.va.gov/suicide_prevention/ 

    Chapter 31 VocRehab Benefits: https://www.va.gov/opa/publications/benefits_book/benefits_chap03.asp#:~:text=Vocational%20Rehabilitation%20and%20Employment%20(VR%26E)%2C%20sometimes%20referred%20to%20as,achieve%20independence%20in%20daily%20living.


    Chapter 33 GI Bill Benefits: https://www.lanecc.edu/esfs/va-education-benefits-certification-chapter-33-post-911-gi-bill#:~:text=Chapter%2033%3A%20(Post%209%2F,a%20Yellow%20Ribbon%20Program%20benefit. 


    5.11 Tactical Store Locator: https://www.511tactical.com/store-locator 


    As always contact us via messenger or e-mail.

    E-mail: Veterantalkraw@gmail.com Facebook: Veteran Talk: Raw

    Voir plus Voir moins
    40 min
  • Episode 5: Guest Speaker Leroy
    Jul 18 2021

    Hey Veteran! This episode showcases our first guest speaker to appear on the podcast. Leroy talks about his time in the Army, what led to him going into the Army, and shares one some hilarious stories. As always, stay tuned for more episodes. 


    E-mail: veterantalkraw@gmail.com

    Facebook: Veteran Talk; Raw

    Voir plus Voir moins
    33 min
  • Episode 4: Big Green Weeny
    Jul 8 2021

    Hey Veteran! Here we talk about the overnight depatures of the US military from Bagram Air Force base. This was one of the largest bases in Afghanistian. We also cover some future topics and potential episodes. As always you can reach us at:

    veterantalkraw@gmail.com Facebook: Veteran Talk Raw Instagram: VeteranTalkRaw

    Voir plus Voir moins
    36 min