
  • Season 2 Episode 2 - Cycles
    Mar 11 2021

    Rabbi Zach Golden and Musician Kristopher Beeks take you on a survey of the spiritual landscape we face as humanity and as individuals. With fun banter and hard talk, they invite you in to walk with us on the journey of life. In this second season, Vibe Check moves on from plunging into the individual spiritual consciousness to addressing the dramatic changes in the fabric of our current collective reality. This episode, Zach and Kris talk about how even though the world changes, it follows patterns - and those patterns can lead us to the stability to stay in equilibrium and provide spiritual leadership to others.

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    52 min
  • Season 2 Episode 1 - The Flood of Light
    Mar 4 2021

    Rabbi Zach Golden and Musician Kristopher Beeks are back again to take you on a spiritual journey of self discovery and unified consciousness. This season is going to focus on the need for Humanity to come together during this Flood of Light that is upon us with the dawning of this new age. We must organize ourselves to prepare for a unified species that stands for what we believe in which is freedom of peace. Join us for another amazing year of social spiritual commentary and grow with us as we grow with you in this ever blooming reality we call life.

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    1 h et 5 min
  • Episode 10 - The Shift
    Dec 22 2020

    Zach Golden (a philosophical scholar and ordained Rabbi) and Kris Beeks (an existentialist musician and entrepreneur) sit down for our big 10th episode, where we discuss the importance of the Shift into this new paradigm. As the world around us changes dramatically, we must pull ourselves into our true selves. Let us guide you into the perspective of a heavenly shift. Give your reality a Vibe Check.

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    1 h et 5 min
  • Episode 9 - The Bridge
    Oct 18 2020

    Zach Golden (a philosophical scholar and newly ordained Rabbi) and Kris Beeks (an existentialist musician and entrepreneur) come back after a short hiatus as Zach handled the Jewish high holiday ceremonies for his synagogue Der Nister. We come back to where we left off, and guide you further into deeper internal spiritual understanding and connection to your highest self. We continue to work on bridging the gap between the spirit world and the physical world and how building that bridge can help you in your everyday life.

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    46 min
  • Episode 8 - The Heaven Consciousness
    Sep 5 2020

    Zach Golden (a philosophical scholar and newly ordained Rabbi) and Kris Beeks (an existentialist musician and entrepreneur) attempt to branch our listeners into connecting the physical world to our original home in Heaven. We explain why this place is a place for work and progression and how we're here to shape the planet, not just to exist on it. We begin diving deeper into our initial intentions given to us by our source and the inner purpose we can all strive to achieve for the Greater Good. Humanity needs to remember it's purpose, and that starts with anchoring yourself in Heaven Consciousness.

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    41 min
  • Episode 7 - Transcendence
    Aug 30 2020

    Zach Golden (a philosophical scholar and newly ordained Rabbi) and Kris Beeks (an existentialist musician and entrepreneur) finally jump off the diving board into the metaphysical world of the spiritual and take you a little deeper into what we know as true spirituality. This episode focuses on the struggle and work it takes to reach the initial door of spirituality and the process of connecting that reality into your physical existence. Let us open your mind to the unseen world around you and teach you how to gain access to those energies within yourself. Let these stories and symbols unlock a deeper understanding of the imagination and the being that reside there.

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    1 h et 1 min
  • Episode 6 - The Ascended Elite
    Aug 19 2020

    Zach Golden (a philosophical scholar and newly ordained Rabbi) and Kris Beeks (an existentialist musician and entrepreneur) explore the responsibility that comes with becoming a knowingly active member of the collective consciousness. We dive into the connectivity of all human beings and the importance of being aware of your participation in the growth of the species as a whole. Starting this week, we encourage you to reach out to us with your spiritual questions via our YouTube or Facebook page, or you can even email us directly at VibeCheckzgkb@gmail.com

    We shall integrate your questions and inquires into our next episode, and the plan is to do it weekly. Send us what you got!

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    44 min
  • Episode 5 - The Crisis Consciousness
    Aug 12 2020

    Zach Golden (a philosophical scholar and newly ordained Rabbi) and Kris Beeks (an existentialist musician and entrepreneur) explore the opportunities presented to us to grow when humanity is forced into crisis mode. We dive into the importance of self reflection in a time of chaos and how spirituality develops when tested in the most extreme ways.

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    49 min