
  • Budget Insight
    Feb 28 2025

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    I am by no means a budget expert but after looking at mine, I realized I needed to shape up. I started by writing down all of my expenses and income. I was really surprised at the totals. In this episode I share how I am suring up my budget and what I am doing to set some lofty goals for the future.

    If you have enjoyed this episode, you can continue listening on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Amazon Music, iHeart Radio or anywhere you listen to your favorite podcast.
    Please leave a review on Apple Podcast. It helps me to reach more listeners.
    You can also find me on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/vintageonpurposepodcast
    Or on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/farmgirl2heart

    If you have any comments or questions about an episode you can email at acupfullofcountry@gmail.com

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    22 min
  • God's Design For Marriage
    Feb 21 2025

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    God's design for marriage is one man and one woman joined in matrimony for life and till death parts them. Today's idea of marriage is much different but that doesn't change the Biblical definition. Through the ups and downs, through the good and the bad, we are to be joined together.

    Some scripture references:

    Genesis 2: 21 -24

    Matthew 19: 4-6

    Ephesians 5:25

    Romans 17:2

    1 Corinthians 7:39

    The book that I spoke of is called The Dragon's Prophecy by Johnathan Cahn.

    If you have enjoyed this episode, you can continue listening on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Amazon Music, iHeart Radio or anywhere you listen to your favorite podcast.
    Please leave a review on Apple Podcast. It helps me to reach more listeners.
    You can also find me on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/vintageonpurposepodcast
    Or on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/farmgirl2heart

    If you have any comments or questions about an episode you can email at acupfullofcountry@gmail.com

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    31 min
  • A Book I Would Recommend to Everyone
    Feb 12 2025

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    I have been doing a lot of book reading, whether it be in paperback, hardcover or audio. I love to read and learn new information. My latest read is no exception. This episode covers the book, Slow: Simple Living for a Frantic World by Brooke McAlary. It is definitely worth the time it takes to either listen to or read while enjoy a great cup of tea or whatever your favorite drink is. I thoroughly enjoyed it and want to put it into application.

    If you have enjoyed this episode, you can continue listening on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Amazon Music, iHeart Radio or anywhere you listen to your favorite podcast.
    Please leave a review on Apple Podcast. It helps me to reach more listeners.
    You can also find me on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/vintageonpurposepodcast
    Or on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/farmgirl2heart

    If you have any comments or questions about an episode you can email at acupfullofcountry@gmail.com

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    23 min
  • Ep. 5 My Perspective on the Healthcare Crisis
    Feb 7 2025

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    Healthcare in this nation should not be to the point where it is unaffordable. Here is Maine we have the highest percentage of citizens who are 65 years old and upward. It is a crisis that I think everyone feels across this nation. So what can we do? Get out and talk to your Representatives, Legislatures and those in the Medical field. Bring awareness to the situation.

    If you have enjoyed this episode, you can continue listening on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Amazon Music, iHeart Radio or anywhere you listen to your favorite podcast.
    Please leave a review on Apple Podcast. It helps me to reach more listeners.
    You can also find me on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/vintageonpurposepodcast
    Or on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/farmgirl2heart

    If you have any comments or questions about an episode you can email at acupfullofcountry@gmail.com

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    23 min
  • Ep. 4 Seeds For Winter Sowing
    Jan 23 2025

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    Last week in Episode 3 I discussed the practice of Winter Sowing. I laid out the supplies, the how-to and the advantages. In today's episode I have given you some ideas of what you can sow during the winter. There are so many varieties of seeds out there. Depending upon where you live, make sure your seeds are frost tolerant and hardy. Having heirloom seeds is a huge advantage as well.
    Here are some seed catalogs that I recommend:
    Baker Creek Seeds: https://www.rareseeds.com/
    Fedco Seeds: https://www.fedcoseeds.com/
    Pinetree Garden Seeds: https://www.superseeds.com/

    You will need to know your growing zone. Happy sowing!

    If you have enjoyed this episode, you can continue listening on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Amazon Music, iHeart Radio or anywhere you listen to your favorite podcast.
    Please leave a review on Apple Podcast. It helps me to reach more listeners.
    You can also find me on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/vintageonpurposepodcast
    Or on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/farmgirl2heart

    If you have any comments or questions about an episode you can email at acupfullofcountry@gmail.com

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    18 min
  • The Advantages of Winter Sowing
    Jan 15 2025

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    Whether you live in New England or all the way across the country, you can enjoy the advantage of sowing seeds outdoors. It is an inexpensive way to start seedlings without all of the cost and trouble of having grow lights, shelves and space indoors.
    You just need a few things; some which you may already have in your home, to start your winter sowing activity.
    I did find a couple of websites which may help to explain further the idea of winter sowing.
    www. savvygardening.com
    There are also many videos on YouTube which will help you in learning how to get started.
    Thank you for listening.

    If you have enjoyed this episode, you can continue listening on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Amazon Music, iHeart Radio or anywhere you listen to your favorite podcast.
    Please leave a review on Apple Podcast. It helps me to reach more listeners.
    You can also find me on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/vintageonpurposepodcast
    Or on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/farmgirl2heart

    If you have any comments or questions about an episode you can email at acupfullofcountry@gmail.com

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    19 min
  • Better A Good Name
    Jan 8 2025

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    In Proverbs 22:1 it says that a good name is better than riches. As we go along this life we should want to build a good legacy for others to remember us by. There are so many choices to make in this life, and having a good reputation is one of them. How will people remember you? What do people think of when they hear your name in conversation?

    If you have enjoyed this episode, you can continue listening on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Amazon Music, iHeart Radio or anywhere you listen to your favorite podcast.
    Please leave a review on Apple Podcast. It helps me to reach more listeners.
    You can also find me on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/vintageonpurposepodcast
    Or on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/farmgirl2heart

    If you have any comments or questions about an episode you can email at acupfullofcountry@gmail.com

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    19 min
  • A Little Introduction
    Nov 26 2024

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    Welcome to Grace & Grit Podcast. I just wanted to share a little about myself and why we started homesteading, my childhood dreams and how I started podcasting. I hope you will stay around and join me on this podcast journey.

    If you have enjoyed this episode, you can continue listening on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Amazon Music, iHeart Radio or anywhere you listen to your favorite podcast.
    Please leave a review on Apple Podcast. It helps me to reach more listeners.
    You can also find me on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/vintageonpurposepodcast
    Or on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/farmgirl2heart

    If you have any comments or questions about an episode you can email at acupfullofcountry@gmail.com

    Voir plus Voir moins
    14 min