WA SHOOTERS are in for expensive new safe requirements. The new laws will require safes that will cost a minimum of $3k and be so heavy – well over 300kg at a minimum – they’ll need a few mates or cranes to move them.
Forget to change the safe, and WA shooters will be up for a $5k fine for the first offence, and jail for a second offence.
WE LOOK at the new requirements which are completely impractical – and what shooters can do about this, with a state election coming up in March. There’s no doubt about it: the WA Labor government NEEDS TO GO.
PLUS we chat about the huge gun rally being organised for Perth on Saturday 8 February. If you are against what the government has done, then this is how you can fix the problem.
JOIN the rally at tinyurl.com/WAGunRally. Sign up to find out where and when the rally will start, who the speakers are, and everything else you need to know.
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