We need your help UN•THERAPIZING some things because we can't leave 2024 without setting some ground rules...
So we have two questions, although they're going to seem like three, and maybe even one of them is more of a statement:
📌 1. What's one thing that you're leaving in 2024 as you enter 2025?
📌 2. What's one thing that you will take from 2024 into 2025?
📌 3. Fill in the blank: If I don't accomplish ______________ in 2025, I feel like a failure.
Although these may be loaded questions for some, it'll be a great launching point for some of us to create hyper-focused energy on intention and un-distract ourselves from distractions.
With these two questions being our focus, we can build a whole new future for ourselves in our minds and our realities.
Join us for another session of UN•THERAPY as we UN•THERAPIZE things we will be taking into the New Year, things we desire to leave behind, & setting our intentions on something we want to complete before the year is out.
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