Part Fourteen of the Rebbe’s Parting Teaching ' , is a Chassidic Discourse which many regard as the Rebbe’s Last Will and Testament. Part Fourteen, entitled: features the twelfth chapter of, and the crowning conclusion of the entire Ma'amer. Discover the Spiritual Leadership that continues to post-terrestrially inspire. Learn how those choosing to remain tethered to a Tzadik's Torah teachings and guidance can be enriched and uplifted by his spirit that lives on. In this new and final Episode, we revisit the literal iteration of the previously focused on biblical verse, infusing it with the elaborate innovative thesis advanced by this groundbreaking Ma'amer. In this last chapter, we essentially come full circle in enunciating the symbiotic Soul Enhancement of Moshe and Am Yisrael. In the final analysis, the literal meaning and its metaphorical allegory are not disparate, but rather mutually complimentary. Now we can appreciate the Torah truth on parallel dimensions that mirror and reflect one another. By striving to achieve consistency in deed, and spirit alike with the larger-than-life influence provided by the radiance of a Tzadik's eternal soul the past actually illuminates the future!