Welcome back to another week over on Lets Chat Soon, todays episode is for nurses or really anyone who feels stuck in the cycle that is their career. Today the girls are chatting over one option to work from anywhere, build your own business, and how to truly make a difference in your clients lives.
Let us introduce to you health coaching.
Interested in becoming a health coach?? We'll be hosting another webinar soon, drop your email here to be the first to know about it.
Set up a call with IHP admissions team here.
Schedule a call with Mackenzie to hear more about her experience.
Additionally Mackenzie + Alexis dms are always open to talk about anything but we would especially love to come along side you in this journey because we know it is not an easy one.
If you're here listening about to take a BIG step, we are so proud of you.
Alexis: instagram
Mackenzie: instagram
LCS: instagram
Chat soon, Xx
Alexis + Mackenzie