Today I wrap up my first series on the value of having, sharing and critiquing opinions. I've spoken a lot so far about unity and seeking connection and the need to allow ourselves to be challenged by others. Today, I observe the fact that in 2020 much of this has been practised on social media and argue that we need to bring ourselves back into a higher priority for face-to-face community with those around us (and not just our hand-picked best friends!) If we want to see real change occur through our thoughts and actions then we need to learn to have a positive impact in our neighbourhoods, households and cities before we try and create for ourselves a platform on the internet!
I hope you have enjoyed my first series! I'll be back next week with my first guest before launching into a few different streams of thought and subjects such as the Bible, art and entertainment and politics and culture!
Please keep sending me your feedback and subscribing/rating/sharing the show!
Facebook: With All Your Mind
Instagram: with_all_your_mind