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Today Fixed Mortgage in Canada have become a part of the ever changing, never calm, always in turmoil world of Donald Trump: Tariffs ON / Tariffs OFF / Tariffs for the Whole World. And throw in some US Federal Reserve Chairman Powell for a bit of extra action. Canada Bond Yields & Fixed Rates fell 2 weeks ago & 3.94% 5 – Yr Fixed Rates popped up everywhere, a week later Bond Yields retraced 20 bps & very low 4% became more normal. Let’s assume after Jerome Powells Hawkish stance that the US Fed has stopped Cutting for awhile (don’t believe the no cuts for a year stuff)
On the Canadian Housing front although Detached Sales showed signs of Life the Future of Pre-Construction Dog Crate Condos in 416 looks dark indeed. And in BC Premier Eby who was a leader in the fight for affordable housing is feeling the heat of a Big Budget Deficit. And Ron’s Rant points towards the future of Canadian Jobs & Economic well being.
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