Hola mija, and welcome. I’m Cara Villarreal and this is Cosmic Tía- Where we’re taking up space to ground in gratitude. Honoring our ancestors. The natural elements. Creating sacred space to grow, reflect, and expand into cosmic awareness. Because representation is important and everyone deserves space to collectively transmute and transform. We harness our own ethereal inner power, knowing we are in full alignment with the natural elements and the cosmos. As above, so below.
- insta- @cosmic.tia
- @carastateofmind
pod cover art-
- insta- @melida.design
- website me-la.design
- @freadomfestival
- @prosebeforebrospdx
- Nanea Woods @ho_onani
Insert from The Jade Oracle- https://thejadeoracle.com/
Music by Elias Hampton- https://eliashampton.bandcamp.com/