Join us as the Heads go all in on Oakhill's new 2-year Fund-a-need project, the Welcome Project! Director of Auxiliary Services, Athletics, and Edupreneurship Taylor Clevenger and Oakhill Parent and Architect Aaron Ross join the heads to talk about how the project came to be and to give all of the details on what we hope to see change around campus within the next 2 years! Also, the Heads chat candy, Halloween, and all the fun things that come with the season!
View bonus content on the Oakhill website!
Mailbag time!
Are you excited about the project? What is your favorite part of the new initiative? We want to hear from you!
Leave us a Message
Premiere Date: October 25, 2023
Audio Credits:
Intro - Froze Egg by Lame Drivers CC
Transitions - Triple and Live It (Instrumental) by Ketsa CC