Well Read Christian

Auteur(s): Mark Stanley
  • Résumé

  • An exploration in classic literature and western philosophy from a Christian perspective. Our target audience is anybody interested in living an examined life. We hope to bring beauty, reason and faith to conversations that have endured for all time. New episodes monthly.
    2019-2021 Well Read Christian
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  • Cosmological Arguments for the Existence of God (Part 1)
    Sep 1 2022

    A cosmological argument is any argument that uses the existence of the world to infer the existence of God. In this episode, we examine two of the three best-known and debated cosmological arguments: Aquinas’ argument from change, and Liebnitz’ argument from contingency. Aquinas sees God as the force that pushes the universe forward, allowing concrete objects to change from potential to actual. Liebnitz asks the question, “Why is there something instead of nothing?” and concludes that God must be fundamental and necessary, since the universe cannot be.


    Visit our website: https://www.wellreadchristian.com

    Check our our blog: https://www.wellreadchristian.com/blog

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    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfGxz4OH1-hVD0fL9AWR4Xg

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    45 min
  • Orwell: Reflections On 1984 (2/2)
    Apr 21 2022

    It isn't obvious what a prudent or wise reader should do with 1984. Is it a warning to be heeded? A commentary on the human spirit? Should we be frightened or inspired? Orwell offers several threads, themes and questions begging to be explored. The three most pressing are reflections on fear, the human spirit, family as a bulwark against tyranny, and the coal-miner objection to capitalism. These reflections are analyzed and discussed.

    Episode Notes

    • The featured piece is Adagio in G minor by Remo Giazotto (1910––1998). This was suggested to me for 1984 for its ominous strings, and I think it fits well.
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    40 min
  • Orwell: Introduction to 1984 (1/2)
    Mar 24 2022

    George Orwell's classic 1984 warns of totalitarian governments, a surveillance state, and the societal consequences of limiting free expression and diversity of thought. Interestingly, Orwell uses the degradation of the family as a major component to the introduction of totalitarianism, as well as assaults on individuality and objectivism about truth and the external world. This timely tome can be discouraging, but is undeniably thought-provoking and insightful for the pioneers of the 21st century.

    Episode Notes

    • The featured piece is Adagio in G minor by Remo Giazotto (1910––1998). This was suggested to me for 1984 for its ominous strings, and I think it fits well.


    Visit our website: https://www.wellreadchristian.com

    Check our our blog: https://www.wellreadchristian.com/blog

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wellreadchristian

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wellreadchristian

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfGxz4OH1-hVD0fL9AWR4Xg

    Voir plus Voir moins
    49 min

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