
  • S3 E7: Daisy Harper "Let me steer the car..."
    Dec 4 2024

    Join me and my 10 year old daughter, Daisy, for a conversation about the most incredible and precious life experience which is also, for many, the most challenging - motherhood. We talk about how the role of a mum differs from the role of a dad, the love languages and the highs and lows of life as a 10 year old. We also talk about how hard it is as a mum not to try and fix everything for your child, but that it is really important to let them figure out their own problems sometimes.

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    17 min
  • S3 Ep 6: Lisa Tiesteel "We're having a party..."
    Nov 27 2024

    Lisa is an experienced private chef with a career that has taken her from super yachts to privately owned estates in the Cotswolds. We talk about her very own Below Deck experiences, how she keeps her cool in the kitchen, and her flexibility when it comes to cooking for the latest exclusion diets.

    Website - www.lisacotswoldchef.co.uk

    Instagram - @cheflisatiesteel

    Kimchee - Vadasz

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    28 min
  • S3 Ep 5: Jon Stokes "Emotion is a form of intelligence..."
    Nov 20 2024

    Jon Stokes, a clinical psychologist, psychotherapist and leadership coach, shares his thoughts on leadership in today's world, how coaching differs from psychology and the importance of asking for feedback in order to understand oneself.

    You can find out more about Jon's work, and contact him through www.stokesjolly.com

    We talk about his book 'Changing Gear' which is well worth a read.

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    37 min
  • S3 Ep4: Guy Smith "I didn't think I was addicted..."
    Nov 13 2024

    Guy Smith tells us about his struggles with alcoholism and his recent diagnosis of ADHD. We talk about some of his darkest times and now his experience of attending AA, including the daily work to keep sober and live a positive life. He talks about the reality of living with ADHD and how learning of this diagnosis as an adult has helped him make sense of so much that has happened over the years.

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    48 min
  • S3 Ep3: Francesca Segal "I've written my happy place..."
    Nov 6 2024

    Francesca Segal is a multi award winning writer with three excellent novels and an incredibly moving memoir under her belt. We talk about what it meant to win the 'Costa Book Award for First Novel' with The Innocents, and how you can quickly be brought down to earth with an unhelpful review. Francesca tells us about her latest novel, Welcome to Glorious Tuga - an uplifting and joyful escape set in a remote South Atlantic island, and her memoir Mother Ship - a heart wrenching and incredibly touching day by day account of the two months her premature twins were in hospital.

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    31 min
  • S3 Ep2: Adam Cox "We should chew our water and drink our food..."
    Oct 30 2024

    Adam Cox is a holistic health expert. He is passionate about helping people manage their pain through improved gut health, doing the 'right' exercise and resetting the nervous system. We hear top tips on how to make our guts happier as well as how, through working with Adam, we can all understand our nervous system better and start our own 'treatment' at home.

    You can contact Adam and find out more on his website www.movementlifestyle.com

    Simon Frost can be reached on Facebook and Instagram

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    33 min
  • S3 Ep1: Guy Harris "We are deeply uncomfortable with disability..."
    Oct 22 2024

    Guy Harris is one of the ~1.2 million wheelchair users in the UK and he is using this experience, as well as his knowledge from a career in the property world, to help address the UK's accessible housing crisis. We have a conversation about the importance of inclusion and community, and Guy shares his views and personal experiences on what it's like to be a wheelchair user in this country today.

    You can find out more about accessible living and get in touch with Guy through his website - www.accessibleprs.co.uk

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    35 min
  • S3 Trailer: See you soon!
    Oct 20 2024

    Welcome to season 3 of 'What's The Next Step?' with me Sarah Harper. Please join me and my fascinating guest each week as we discuss a wide variety of interesting topics - including life as a private chef on a super yacht, one man's story of recovering from alcoholism, leadership in todays world and a ground-breaking new method for long term pain management. Be prepared to be inspired as you take the next step in life.

    What's The Next Step? Theme composed by Alex Nicholls-Lee

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    2 min