We spend a great deal of time focusing on our "to do" list and acknowledging what we "should be doing" yet, chances are, there is an entirely other list of "things you are doing" that really fall onto a "NOT to do" list.
I love this twist! As humans, we spend a great deal of time falling into our conditioned and habitually behaviors. In fact, over 90% of what we do is just a response to stimulus and conditioning. Our minds are brilliant at trickery and deceit to sell you on the other stuff, the not to do!
I truly did a deep dive on this very thing a few years ago and my findings were startling! Like so many things I tackle, i did this at a high level. I started a timer to go off every 15 minutes throughout my day. My discovery was eye opening that I was spending a great deal of time doing things that were NOT moving me toward my goal. My biggest culprit was SOCIAL MEDIA! To be fair, part of my lead generation is using social media but, what is NOT part of it is the rabbit hole I'd go down for 30 minute chunks of time!
Once I knew what was on my "not to do list" I immediately revisiting my to do list and prioritized what was most important. Realizing that the thing that was critical to my goals and dreams was what I was resisting the most. This clarity allowed me to reprioritize, reengage and to OWN what was truly important. It allowed me to create a true time block system to move me forward faster than ever imagined toward my goals and dream.
Join me and learn how gaining clarity around your NOT TO DO is a big gift toward your future self and success.
Book a free coaching call: https://calendly.com/tony-rethinkcoaching/30min?month=2023-10
To get more information about Tony and reTHINK Coaching - http://www.rethinkcoaching.com/