
  • What to do about Wildlife
    Jul 16 2022

    Do you know what to do when you find a native animal in need of help?  It's something that we face often in our Adelaide Hills lifestyle, and many people don't know what to do or who to turn to for help.


    Save Our Wildlife Foundation Inc, known as SOWFI, is here to help, anywhere in South Australia.  They will rescue an animal in need, and provide the care that will give that animal the best outcome possible.  But they can also train you as a wildlife carer, so that you can join the team and nurse animals back to health.


    Join me as I chat with Marian MacLucas about SOWFI and their work with wildlife.


    If you find an animal in need of assistance, call SOWFI at any time on 7120 6610

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    41 min
  • What's the Next Dance?
    Jul 2 2022

    Ginger Rogers did it backwards and in high heels.  And the Woodchester Community Dance Club is now giving people the opportunity to learn to dance in a friendly, comfortable club. 


    Some listeners will remember the days of the regular community dance, or when dancing in the arms of your partner was a weekly occurrence.  The club wants to bring back those days, without the stress and expense of formal classes.


    Daryl Owen joined me this week to talk about all the benefits of dance, and how you can get involved.

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    42 min
  • What's the plan for Reconnecting Rail?
    Jun 25 2022

    There's been a lot of talk over the past couple of years about the need for a commuter rail service between the Adelaide Hills and the metropolitan area.

    On the surface the idea sounds like a good one.  Get cars off the freeway, and give people a stress-free way to get to work on convenient public transport.

    But when you start to think about it, all sorts of problems arise, from where to put the track, to how we'll get from our homes to the closest railway station.

    One person who's thought a lot about these problems is Douglas McCarty.  His career has given him an unique insight into the issues and the solutions, and he thinks he has a plan that could see us all catching trains to town within five years.

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    50 min
  • What's happening with the Work Experience Students
    Jun 18 2022

    So I was quietly minding my own business producing a weekly podcast and radio program, when the radio station was invaded by work experience students.

    Naturally they needed to make their own episode of What The Hills, and here it is.

    They're talking about how school can be improved, so listen in and get a student's take on the education system.

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    36 min
  • What's Happening in the Town Square? Part Two
    Jun 12 2022

    Does Mount Barker need a green grassy town square, a bustling commercial city centre, or something in between?  That's the question many of us have been discussing over the past couple of years as the future of a large block of vacant land in the centre of town was decided.

    Kym Burke of Burke Urban Investments has been central to the decision making process.  I met with him to ask some questions about the development and what we can expect.

    This is the second half of the interview.  To hear the entire conversation check out previous episodes of the What The Hills podcast.

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    37 min
  • What's on at Council in June?
    Jun 11 2022

    In this month's catch up we find out what happened on the Mayor's trip last month.  We also cover some recent news items from Council including the Dynamic State Summit, the heritage smelting site at Callington, bushfire recovery, the draft annual business plan, Country Cabinet, and food mapping.

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    27 min
  • What's Happening in the Town Square? Part One
    Jun 4 2022

    This week my guest is Kym Burke of Burke Urban Investments.  They're one of the major developers you'll see working around the district, and they have been chosen by Mount Barker District Council to develop that large vacant block in the middle of town into a huge Town Centre complex.

    We had such an in-depth talk that it's going to take two episodes to get through everything.  Here's the first half of our chat.

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    35 min
  • What is University of the Third Age?
    May 28 2022

    U3A, or the University of the Third Age, sounds like something mysterious when you first hear about it.  But it's really not that mysterious at all.  In fact, it's something that thousands of people do every week.  It's fun and social and a great way to learn and share skills for anyone over 50.

    I caught up with Geoff Edwards to hear all about what U3A is doing right here in the Adelaide Hills.

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    33 min