What an incredible year it has been. So many wonderful conversations with truly talented and hard working folks. I can't wait to bring you more in 2025 and to help more where and when I can.
If you had a chance to listen to any of the episodes this year, thank you. You also know that all of the guests I had on were truly amazing and inspiring. You can find all of them listed below:
Ep. 40 - Ann Alonso - https://www.instagram.com/arcasian__/
Ep. 42 - Zach Dayler - https://www.instagram.com/dayler/
Ep. 44 - Liz Clayton Fuller - https://www.instagram.com/ipaintbirbs/
Ep. 46 - Dom Laporte - https://www.instagram.com/driftmuralco/
Ep. 48 - Andrew Szeto - https://www.instagram.com/szetoszeto/
Ep. 50 - Brenda Dunn - https://www.instagram.com/artinjest
Ep. 52 - Leah Gibson - https://www.instagram.com/homebody_/
Ep. 54 - Gareth Davies - https://www.instagram.com/makerhouseco
Ep. 56 - Rachel Schneider - https://www.instagram.com/babe_rosss_art/
Ep. 58 - Vince Blando - https://www.instagram.com/cartoontherapy/
Ep. 60 - Matt Tweedy - https://www.instagram.com/toothandnailbeer/
Ep. 62 - Carrie Smith - https://crsmobilerehab.com/
Ep. 64 - Devyn and Derek Moses - https://www.instagram.com/mococustom/
This podcast is only as good as it can be with the help of every single one of these people. I am eternally grateful for them saying yes.
Here's to doing more cool shit as we move forward, but never forgetting to have time for a small breath and to admire exactly where you have come from.
Let me know what's going on: domorecoolshit.com
Thank you once again as well to the Doug Wallace (https://www.instagram.com/ol_fog_eye/) for creating and performing the music for this podcast.