Thanks to our episode sponsor Examenlab who has created Exact tests to give a clear picture of the quality of sperm DNA, you can see whether or not there is a possibility of improving it. Visit to find out more
You've heard a snippet of our chat with professor Sheryl Homa explaining the big gap in treatment for men at the GP surgery and how all too often they are fast-tracked through the doors of a fertility clinic when more investigations should and could be done. Listen in full
Also, Gareth Down talked about the male-only Facebook group he set up, find out how you can join and listen in full here
Dr. Muhammed Akhtar explains how men can make lifestyle changes to prevent a decline in sperm count. Listen to the full episode here.
Gaz spoke about what he wished he’d known sooner after having failed cycles and multiple miscarriages and then finding out about sperm DNA fragmentation. Listen here.
Professor Sheena Lewis, who created the Sperm Comet test talks more about what the test can show you. Listen here.