On this first episode CEO Ray Alvarez and Esther Alvarez talk about how La Liga Del Barrio started. Also they share news and updates from La Gala to be held on April 29th. More about La Liga Del Barrio La Liga Del Barrio is Philadelphia's First Latino Youth Basketball League created by the Sixers and Councilman Angel L. Ortiz. Established in January of 2000, La Liga provides a safe and positive environment for inner-city children ages 6-18. We provide more than just sports programming, we are an education first organization. CONNECT WITH LA LIGA DEL BARRIO 🎯 Instagram & Twitter: @laligadelbarrio Main Site: https://laligadelbarrio.com MUSIC •Epidemic Sound (30 Day Free Trial): https://share.epidemicsound.com/51uzkf FOLLOW DUARTE ENTERTAINMENT Instagram: @duarteentertainment Facebook.com/DuarteEntertainment Twitter: @duarteevents Main Site: duarteentertainment.com