In this episode we are joined by Ellen Vanderhoven, a doctoral student at the School of Education in the University of Glasgow whose research focuses on young people’s post-apprenticeship transitions in Coahuila, Mexico, with a particular focus on inequalities of class and gender.
Our discussion takes us into the changing world of TVET (technical and vocational education and training) and how global organisations, policies, and schools are introducing more inclusive forms of education through apprenticeships. We explore what an apprenticeship is, why it's being introduced in schools, and how this vocational training is being used to overcome inequalities within communities.
Additional resources:
Seminar: "Comparative analysis of international organisations’ discourses on apprenticeship"
Blog on apprenticeships during the pandemic:
Book chapter by colleagues based on the project's research: Valiente, O., López-Fogués, A., Fuentes, H., & Rosado, R. (2020). Evaluating dual apprenticeship effects on youth employment: A focus on the mechanisms. In Comparative Vocational Education Research (pp. 163-180). Springer VS, Wiesbaden.
Project website: