
  • "Follow the Rules": Career Lessons from Parenting Part 3
    Feb 25 2025

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    When Mommy Grows Up: Finding Career Clarity While Covered in Kids can be on your e-reader or on your bookshelf on March 25th! Have your ordered your copy yet?

    As we countdown to the release, this week we're diving into chapter 8, Follow the Rules. But this time the parenting lesson isn't so straightforward, because it turns out there is benefiting to following the rules and benefit to breaking the rules.

    Join us as we talk about how creating a set of personal rules to follow and breaking rules that don't make sense help you move forward in your career.


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    19 min
  • "Use Your Words": Career Lessons from Parenting Part 2
    Feb 18 2025

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    The countdown to When Mommy Grows Up: Finding Career Clarity While Covered in Kids (the book) is on! This week we're diving into chapter 5, Use Your Words.

    We teach our kids to use their words instead of lashing out in anger, pouting in the corner, or throwing an epic tantrum in Target. But are we reminding ourselves to use our words as we look for more fulfillment in our work?

    Tune in for toddler parenting stories, Spice Girls lyrics, and advice on how to have the important conversations that will move your career in the direction you want!


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    18 min
  • How to Turn Your Instinctual Yes Into a Question: Dave's Story
    Jan 28 2025

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    Do you say too many "yeses"? If so, you aren't alone. It happens to the best of us, whether because we are helpers by nature, seek recognition, or pride ourselves on doing ALL the things.

    But too many yeses can leave us depleted and distracted. So what do we do about it as busy parents and professionals?

    Tune into Becca's conversation with former Career Clarity Program member and successful entrepreneur Dave Kartunen to make a plan for what to say yes to and how to say no.

    Find Dave on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davekartunen/
    kartoonEDU: https://kartoonedu.com/


    Dave Kartunen is a national-award winning journalist who focused his entire career on better governance. During his 15-year broadcast news career, he reported local and national breaking news as well as political and investigative reporting in Boston, Miami, and Savannah, Ga. He is the winner of the 2016 National Edward R. Murrow Award for continuing coverage of deadly conditions in a Georgia Jail. He also won the 2013 Southeast Regional Emmy Award for continuing coverage, using a series of simple stories to explain the disastrous rollout of the Affordable Care Act.

    Dave also taught journalism at Boston University and remains a fierce advocate for trauma-informed journalism.

    Since leaving the news, he's consulted organizations large and small, public, private, and nonprofit. In 2023, he turned his focus once again back to better governance and founded kartoonEDU, which creates visual communications to help public schools share complex information with their stakeholders in more engaging ways. In two years, he's worked with more than 60 public school districts and associations in the U.S. and Canada. This year, his company is expanding to offer their products and services to municipalities as well.

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    39 min
  • Snoozing Your Way to Success! - Sleep Secrets with Dr. Afolabi-Brown
    Jan 21 2025

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    Join Becca and Marie in this dreamy episode where we chat with the amazing Dr. Funke Afolabi-Brown - a triple board certified pediatric pulmonologist and sleep medicine expert with over 20 years of experience helping parents and their children improve their sleep.

    Together, we dive into the crucial role sleep plays in our physical and mental health, and discover golden tips for crafting the perfect sleep routine. Get ready to learn how to prioritize rest and unlock the best version of yourself in 2025!


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    21 min
  • "Try Your Best": Career Lessons from Parenting Part 1
    Jan 14 2025

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    Exciting announcement! The second edition of When Mommy Grows Up (the book) is coming out in March 2025.

    In When Mommy Grows Up: Finding Career Clarity While Covered in Kids, Becca takes readers through lessons we teach our kids and flips them around to help us develop our careers.

    In the lead up to the book's release, we'll be giving you a sneak peek into the stories and lessons of When Mommy Grows Up to help you start finding career clarity.

    This week, we start with "Try Your Best" and helping you define what "having it all" looks like to you so you know where you focus your best efforts.

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    16 min
  • Vision Boarding Your Career Criteria: Beth's Story
    Jan 7 2025

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    Career Clarity Program member, Beth, was excited to dive into crafting her career criteria. Having a tool that would help her make the best decisions for herself was super appealing. As a busy mom, she had decision fatigue and she needed the structure.

    However, as Beth got into the activity she found herself stuck. She had answers to the prompts but struggled to put what mattered most to her into words. Instead of staying stuck, Beth asked for help and we introduced another tool for her to get her criteria onto paper - vision boarding!

    Join Becca and Marie to learn how using visuals to craft your career criteria can be equally powerful for helping you find career clarity.


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    22 min
  • Home Alone: Our Excuse for Holiday Career Chat!
    Dec 24 2024

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    In this holiday special episode, Becca and Marie unpack "Home Alone" while drawing unexpected parallels to career challenges and lessons from the importance of resourcefulness to the art of embracing solitude.

    So, grab your cocoa, settle in, and get ready for laughs, nostalgia, and the perfect excuse to chat about your favorite holiday movie!


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    13 min
  • Demystifying the LinkedIn Profile: Jordan’s Story
    Dec 17 2024

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    Once upon a time when she graduated college in 2010, Jordan created a LinkedIn profile. Then it sat there barely touched and infrequently logged into for over a decade! LinkedIn simply hasn’t been a priority as Jordan became a teacher and settled into a school system she enjoyed.

    However, after years in the classroom, Jordan is ready for a change. She is excited about the prospect of working with an edtech company in a Customer Success role, partnering with schools to utilize new technology. With this change though, Jordan’s LinkedIn profile needs some TLC.

    Join Becca and Marie to demystify key parts of the LinkedIn profile and make Jordan’s profile work for her.


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    24 min