Hey There, It’s been awhile since we last spoke and I’m compelled to ask… How are you all doing? How are you feeling? I ask because this time of year can bring on a multitude of complex emotions. As we know in life we flow through extreme high’s and sometimes very low low’s and some of us are fighting silent battles.
Can I be honest. My life has been pretty hectic. I thought I’d come on here and share because I feel it is so relevant and so important for my listeners to understand. To have a dream is one thing, but to be consistent is another. I’m struggling with consistency not because I don’t love what I do. No not that at all!! It’s more of understanding the demands and commitment that is “solopreneurship.”
We are in the season of fourth quarter productivity and end of the year/new year. Are ya’ll familiar with the season? It’s a season that signals to you to hurry up. The end of the year is coming! It asks, what can you get done within this quarter and what haven’t you done? What goals can you complete or accomplish before the end of the year, and have you planned your quarter 1? Is anyone feeling the choking anxiety as I ask these questions? Yea, that’s the point! This type of productivity is riddled with the capitalistic/over-productive mindset that asks you to sacrifice self in exchange for burnout.
For weeks, now months I’ve remained in this field of fog unable to find my way out of it. The break has turned into a hiatus. My intended purpose for the break or from what I was taking a break from is no longer as clear. In times of uncertainty, I take a moment to work backwards to the root cause. I identify the main problem. This requires me to really sit in the un-comfortability and vulnerability of those feelings. When I sat with those emotions, I wanted to revisit the main character of this story. My trauma response. Perfectionism.
This is the Final Episode of the Pilot Season!!!
And ladies on that note. I’m going to take a moment to celebrate myself! I started an entire business in this year and launched a podcast on my own!!! I have started my 3rd year of doctoral school finally deciding on my research question, writing my first two chapters completing the literature review chapter which consisted of reviewing 72 pieces of literature within 2 weeks. The impossible seems impossible sometimes but I’m here to tell you it is very possible. This year was one hell of a challenging year for me I lost my grandmother, my first and only dog, and have been riddled with serious health problems that came unexpected and look at what was accomplished. It’s beautiful. I’m so happy to be doing it with ya’ll and I want to give my listeners now and the listeners to come a special thank you. Thank you for taking a chance on me. I know that there are plenty of people you could follow or listen to but you have chosen me and it does not go unnoticed, overlooked, or without gratitude. I thank you so much and I hope that you stay tuned as I have so much in store.
Let's not miss a chance to connect as women and let it be beautiful!
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