You should always listen to your intuition. Except when you think you are using your intuition but you really aren't. You will be blown away to learn that this is happening in the most important areas of your life. Right under your assertions.
This may be one of the most important episodes we have done in a while.
Here we are going to discuss the formula to make sure don't make another wrong decision when it comes to your Soul Path Soul Pull.
In This Episode:
- Why it’s so important to know the difference between your intuition and your fight or flight/ego reactions and how to start discerning between the two
- The mechanics of how our fight or flight system’s work when met with high frequency information that’s good for us
- How the inevitable pains that come from growth trigger the fight or flight/egos to misinterpret a situation as something they should run from
- Inspirations on how to use your intuition to more accurately assess and vet teachers/situations so you can push through the fight or flight responses that will try to convince you to stop when you should push through
- Qualities to look for in a person to find the perfect coach to help us hit our soul path soul pull dreams
- Why hating something or experiencing strong resistance towards something can actually be an indicator that it’s the best thing for you
- How relevant emotions are with receiving accurate intuitive answers and examples of situations that are surefire times the ego with manipulate your intuitive answers
- Steps you can start taking today to stop your fight or flight from hijacking your intuitive clarity and straying your from the perfect high frequency solutions you’ve been asking for and your higher self/guides led you to
- Breaking down what happens when a person gets into a state of pain and how that kickstarts reflections coming through soul-chosen teachers
- Understanding the two roles of being a teacher for someone: proactively and reactively
- A list of reflections to watch out for with teachers, why it’s so important to keep an eye out for these reflections and examples of these reflections in action
- A breakdown of the law that is notorious for making people mistake other people or reader’s repeating their negative thoughts about a situation or person as confirming truths when they are something else
- A non-intuitive question to more accurate start evaluating whether you are in a situation that is good for you and soul-aligned or not
If you don’t want to wait on your conscious expansion and learning you can go to and check out all of our amazing free content.
If you resonate with this topic, you feel you have the foundations, and you’d like to know it all to do it all, here is where you need to be for that next level:
Intuition Mastery Course:
Free Intuition Intro Course:
Recurring Block Source Analysis: