
  • S7 Ep 8: Financial FAQs, 8: Scams
    Jul 9 2024

    In the final episode of this season on financial FAQs gleaned from the Internet, Bex picks Simon’s brain on the topic of Scams.

    Some key points of interest covered in this episode include the following:

    • Bex introduces the topic of Scams [00:33] before asking Simon whether he thinks that the number and type of scams are increasing. [03:07]
    • In response to a question from Bex, Simon identifies three main warning signs / red flags to watch out for: an offer that is too good to be true [04:06]; when help is requested for a crisis situation that is too bad to be true [05:43]; tell-tale language, formatting and tone clues [09:02]. She also asks Simon about common scams and current trends. [11:42]
    • Simon gives some tips for dealing with potential scams [13:55] and then goes on to give advice about what to do if you become the victim of a scam. [15:25]
    • Simon provides listeners with four top tips to help them to avoid being scammed. [21:08]
    • Simon explains that a couple of bonus episodes on the theme of faith and finance FAQs will be forthcoming shortly and invites listeners to send in their questions. [23:31]

    Suggestions or feedback arising from this episode can be sent via email to whereyourtreasureis@freerangepodcasting.co.uk while messages via Instagram should be directed to @whereyourtreasureispodcast.

    This show has been brought to you by Free Range Podcasting.

    You can sign up to receive news and updates about this podcast by filling out the brief form to which you will be taken when clicking on this link.

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    26 min
  • S7 Ep 7: Financial FAQs, 7: Taxes
    Jul 2 2024

    In the penultimate episode of this season on financial FAQs gleaned from the Internet, Bex picks Simon’s brain on the topic of Taxes.

    Some key points of interest covered in this episode include the following:

    • Bex starts off by asking Simon what tax is and how it works. [01:32]
    • In response to further questions from Bex, Simon explains the nature and practicalities of each of the following: National Insurance [06:06]; Income Tax [11:11]; VAT [12:53]; Capital Gains Tax [16:07]; Inheritance Tax [19:17].
    • Simon explains what is meant by ‘tax efficiency’, ‘tax avoidance’ and ‘tax evasion’ [21:39] and goes on to outline three HMRC and Government approved tax avoidance mechanisms that exist in the UK: pensions [22:22], ISAs [22:56] and Charitable Giving [23:18].
    • Bex asks Simon to explain the circumstances in which someone in normal employment should complete a tax self-assessment. [24:27]
    • Simon provides three top tips arising from this week’s discussion. [26:53]
    • The final episode of this season will focus on the subject of Scams. [29:29]

    Suggestions or feedback arising from this episode can be sent via email to whereyourtreasureis@freerangepodcasting.co.uk while messages via Instagram should be directed to @whereyourtreasureispodcast.

    This show has been brought to you by Free Range Podcasting.

    You can sign up to receive news and updates about this podcast by filling out the brief form to which you will be taken when clicking on this link.

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    30 min
  • S7 Ep 6: Financial FAQs, 6: Financial Planning
    Jun 25 2024

    In the sixth episode of this season on financial FAQs gleaned from the Internet, Bex picks Simon’s brain on the topic of Financial Planning.

    Some key points of interest covered in this episode include the following:

    • Bex starts off by asking Simon about the nature of financial planning, whether anyone can do it, [01:43] and how best to go about it. [02:59]
    • Bex goes on to ask Simon to explain how financial planning can help us to identify when we can retire [08:36] and whether or not there are any general guidelines regarding how much we should aim to save towards a pension. [12:02]
    • Simon outlines the different kinds of pension that are available and how they operate. [14:46]
    • Bex draws attention to some previous podcast episodes on the themes of pensions and planning for retirement (Season 2 Episode 6, Season 2 Episode 7 and Season 3 Episode 2) which may be of interest to listeners. [19:18]
    • Simon suggests that there are two main circumstances in which it can be particularly helpful to seek assistance with financial management and planning. [19:45]
    • In response to a request from Bex for recommendations of helpful resources that are freely available, Simon draws attention to the ScamSmart, Money Helper and Money & Pension Service websites. He also notes that you can check your state pension online. [22:37]
    • Simon provides three top tips arising from this week’s discussion. [25:51]
    • The focus of next week’s episode will be on Taxes. [28:34]

    Suggestions or feedback arising from this episode can be sent via email to whereyourtreasureis@freerangepodcasting.co.uk while messages via Instagram should be directed to @whereyourtreasureispodcast.

    This show has been brought to you by Free Range Podcasting.

    You can sign up to receive news and updates about this podcast by filling out the brief form to which you will be taken when clicking on this link.

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    30 min
  • S7 Ep 5: Financial FAQs, 5: Buying a House
    Jun 18 2024

    In the fifth episode of this season on financial FAQs gleaned from the Internet, Bex picks Simon’s brain on the topic of Buying a House.

    Some key points of interest covered in this episode include the following:

    • Bex starts off by asking Simon for his thoughts on how we know whether or not it is appropriate and prudent for us to decide to buy a house. [02:02]
    • Bex goes on to ask Simon to explain the nature and purpose of a mortgage. [03:26]
    • Bex then follows up with questions about what kind of deposit is required for a mortgage [08:21] and the kind of checks that lenders undertake in order to establish the ability of a borrower to pay off the mortgage being requested. [10:16]
    • Further questions asked by Bex are as follows: Are mortgages fixed or variable? [13:53] Are mortgages secured or unsecured? [16:18] Can mortgages be paid off early? [17:29] What additional costs need to be included in a budget when planning to buy a property? [22:36]
    • Simon provides three top tips arising from this week’s discussion. [25:01]
    • The focus of next week’s episode will be on Financial Planning. [28:57]

    Suggestions or feedback arising from this episode can be sent via email to whereyourtreasureis@freerangepodcasting.co.uk while messages via Instagram should be directed to @whereyourtreasureispodcast.

    This show has been brought to you by Free Range Podcasting.

    You can sign up to receive news and updates about this podcast by filling out the brief form to which you will be taken when clicking on this link.

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    30 min
  • S7 Ep 4: Financial FAQs, 4: Investing
    Jun 11 2024

    In the fourth episode of this season on financial FAQs gleaned from the Internet, Bex picks Simon’s brain on the topic of Investing.

    Some key points of interest covered in this episode include the following:

    • Bex starts off by asking Simon to explain what investing is [01:13] before going on to enquire about how Christians should approach that topic. [04:05]
    • Bex then asks Simon a series of questions to which people have been frequently looking for answers on the Internet: What is an ISA [06:30], and also a LISA? [07:42] What are bonds? [09:29] What is an ETF? [11:40] What are ‘short term’, ‘medium term’ and ‘long term’ periods of time, in a financial context? [15:05] What is a hedge fund? [19:52] What are dividends? [21:20] What is cryptocurrency? [23:42]
    • Bex asks Simon to respond to a question which she has identified as being one for which people ‘really want to know’ the answer: ‘What shares should I buy and how?’ [25:45]
    • Simon explains what ‘advice’ means in a formal, financial context. [31:47]
    • Simon provides three top tips arising from this week’s discussion. [33:28]
    • The focus of next week’s episode will be on answering questions associated with buying a house. [34:27]

    Suggestions or feedback arising from this episode can be sent via email to whereyourtreasureis@freerangepodcasting.co.uk while messages via Instagram should be directed to @whereyourtreasureispodcast.

    This show has been brought to you by Free Range Podcasting.

    You can sign up to receive news and updates about this podcast by filling out the brief form to which you will be taken when clicking on this link.

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    36 min
  • S7 Ep 3: Financial FAQs, 3: Borrowing and Debt
    Jun 4 2024

    In the third episode of this season on financial FAQs gleaned from the Internet, Bex picks Simon’s brain on the topics of Borrowing and Debt.

    Some key points of interest covered in this episode include the following:

    • Bex starts off by asking Simon to explain what debt is [01:39] before going on to enquire about the possible impact of taking out a loan. [03:03]
    • In response to a further question from Bex, Simon provides information about both ‘secured’ and ‘unsecured’ loans. [04:59]
    • Simon discusses the evolving relationship between lenders and those who provide loans for them [11:41] and points out that some arrangements are riskier than others. [14:12]
    • Bex talks about her own experience, as a small business owner, of dealing with clients who became indebted to her. [16:37]
    • Simon provides some comments aimed at assisting individuals who are in danger of falling into significant debt [17:39], including an explanation of consolidation loans. [19:42]
    • Bex highlights the emotional impact that can accompany being in debt [21:57], and Simon draws attention to the helpful advice and observations provided by Ben Clift of Christians Against Poverty in Bonus Episode 2 of Season 2. [22:32]
    • Simon provides three top tips arising from this week’s discussion, including – for anyone who is grappling with significant debt – making mention of the support that is available through charities such as Citizens Advice and Christians Against Poverty. [24:41]
    • The emphasis will change in the next episode of this season, when the focus will be on Investment, as a principle and in practice. [28:54]

    Suggestions or feedback arising from this episode can be sent via email to whereyourtreasureis@freerangepodcasting.co.uk while messages via Instagram should be directed to @whereyourtreasureispodcast.

    This show has been brought to you by Free Range Podcasting.

    You can sign up to receive news and updates about this podcast by filling out the brief form to which you will be taken when clicking on this link.

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    29 min
  • S7 Ep 2: Financial FAQs, 2: Credit Scores and Credit Cards
    May 28 2024

    In the second episode of this season on financial FAQs gleaned from the Internet, Bex picks Simon’s brain on the topics of Credit Scores and Credit Cards.

    Some key points of interest covered in this episode include the following:

    • Simon starts off by explaining what a credit score is [02:04] before going on to deal with related questions about the need for credit and credit scores, and how a credit score can be improved. [04:57]
    • In response to a question from Bex, Simon describes the difference that a credit score can make to the terms of a loan. [11:57]
    • Simon then goes on to outline how credit cards work [15:22] and the advantages and disadvantages that can be associated with using them. [17:11]
    • Bex asks Simon to explain APR (Annual Percentage Rate) as it is mentioned frequently when credit card arrangements are being described. [23:41] His response prompts Bex to comment on the significant, negative impact of compound interest in this context. [25:42]
    • Simon provides various pointers and suggestions for anyone wishing to take out a credit card. [26:40]
    • Simon provides three top tips arising from this week’s discussion [29:24], including some comments about dealing with credit card debt in which he mentions a previous episode which may be of interest. [30:47]
    • The focus of next week’s episode will be on debt and borrowing. [31:48]

    Suggestions or feedback arising from this episode can be sent via email to whereyourtreasureis@freerangepodcasting.co.uk while messages via Instagram should be directed to @whereyourtreasureispodcast.

    This show has been brought to you by Free Range Podcasting.

    You can sign up to receive news and updates about this podcast by filling out the brief form to which you will be taken when clicking on this link.

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    33 min
  • S7 Ep 1: Financial FAQs, 1: Inflation, Cost of Living & Recession
    May 21 2024

    In the first episode of this season on financial FAQs gleaned from the Internet, Bex picks Simon’s brain on the topics of Inflation, Cost of Living & Recession.

    Some key points of interest covered in this episode include the following:

    • Bex and Simon introduce this new season of the podcast by explaining that it is based on which questions about finance are asked most frequently on Google. [00:35]
    • Bex asks Simon to start things off by providing some introductory comments about inflation and cost of living. [03:02]
    • Bex delves deeper into the potential causes of inflation, asking why prices in the supermarket have gone up when people have had less money to spend. [08:19]
    • Bex’s next query is to ask how the Bank of England’s interest rates tie in with inflation [12:09], which prompts Simon to explain how ‘a basket of goods’ is used to calculate the annual level of inflation [14:08] and how the Bank endeavours to use interest rates to keep inflation at desirable levels. [17:17]
    • Simon draws attention to the difference between ‘deflation’ and ‘decreasing inflation’ [20:59] and goes on to explain why it is regarded as being beneficial for an economy to have a modest level of inflation on an ongoing basis. [21:45]
    • Bex asks Simon to explain and comment on the term, ‘recession’, which has been used widely recently in connection with the cost of living crisis. [24:26]
    • Simon provides three top tips arising from this week’s discussion. [27:37]
    • Points mentioned in response to a question about the options available to people who are feeling overwhelmed by the cost of living include seeking professional help from charities that provide debt support, such as CAP (Christians Against Poverty) and Citizens Advice. It was also noted that this podcast’s Season 2 Bonus Episode on ‘Providing Support during the Cost of Living Crisis’ might be of interest. [30:35]
    • The focus of next week’s episode will be on credit scores and credit cards. [34:09]

    Suggestions or feedback arising from this episode can be sent via email to whereyourtreasureis@freerangepodcasting.co.uk while messages via Instagram should be directed to @whereyourtreasureispodcast.

    This show has been brought to you by Free Range Podcasting.

    You can sign up to receive news and updates about this podcast by filling out the brief form to which you will be taken when clicking on this link.

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    35 min