
  • 5. Thirty-Three Days: The Smiling Pope's Brief Reign
    Mar 2 2025
    This episode explores the unexpected election and brief papacy of Albino Luciani, who became Pope John Paul I in August 1978. It examines how this humble son of a bricklayer broke with Vatican traditions immediately upon his election—refusing the papal throne, speaking in first person, and declining formal ceremonies. The episode traces his vision for a simpler, more accessible Church that shocked the Vatican establishment and won him worldwide admiration as "The Smiling Pope." His thirty-three days in office represented a potentially transformative moment for the Catholic Church before his sudden death cut his papacy tragically short.
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    15 min
  • 4. The Last Conclave
    Feb 26 2025
    What happened the last time there was a Conclave?

    A look at the election of Pope Francis.
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    7 min
  • The Truth About Conclave (Bonus)
    Feb 25 2025
    In the 2024 film "Conclave," Rafe Fines plays Cardinal Lawrence, the Dean of the College of Cardinals, who must organize the election of a new pope. Through his eyes, audiences witness the world's most secretive election process, complete with political intrigue, hidden secrets, and a dramatic twist that left critics debating its plausibility.

    But how does Hollywood's version compare to the real thing?
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    8 min
  • 3. When a Pope Cannot Lead
    Feb 24 2025
    What happens when a pope becomes incapacitated? Through the lens of Pope Francis's February 2025 hospitalization, we explore the surprisingly undefined territory of papal illness. Unlike death or resignation, there are no clear protocols for an unconscious or incapacitated pope. Discover how the Church has handled these delicate situations throughout history, and why this "legislative gap" in canon law creates unique challenges in the modern age.
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    10 min
  • The Next Pope (Bonus)
    Feb 22 2025
    What happens when one billion Catholics need a new spiritual leader? This episode explores the complex dynamics of papal succession in our modern age. From the growing influence of the Global South to the diminishing power of European cardinals, we examine how geography and politics shape papal elections. Could an American cardinal overcome historical obstacles to claim the Chair of Saint Peter? We profile the leading candidates from different regions, analyze the crucial factions that will determine the outcome, and explore the delicate balance between tradition and change facing the next conclave. Discover how the world's oldest electoral process continues to evolve while maintaining its essential character.

    Unlock an ad-free podcast experience with Caloroga Shark Media! Get all our shows on any player you love, hassle free! For Apple users, hit the banner on your Apple podcasts app which seays UNINTERRUPTED LISTENING. For Spotify or other players, visit caloroga.com/plus. No plug-ins needed! You also get 20+ other shows on the network ad-free
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    10 min
  • When a Pope Falls Ill: Ancient Protocols in Modern Times (Bonus)
    Feb 20 2025
    Through the lens of Pope Francis's February 2025 hospitalization, this episode explores the delicate intersection of ancient traditions and modern medical realities when a pontiff faces serious illness. We examine how the Vatican's carefully calibrated information protocols evolved from medieval secrecy to today's twice-daily bulletins, the Swiss Guard's perpetual state of preparedness, and how the faithful respond to papal vulnerability.

    Discover how the Church has learned from each papal illness throughout history to maintain dignity while adapting to contemporary expectations - a balance of tradition and innovation that reveals the Vatican's understanding of itself as both an eternal institution and a living community.

    Unlock an ad-free podcast experience with Caloroga Shark Media! Get all our shows on any player you love, hassle free! For Apple users, hit the banner on your Apple podcasts app which seays UNINTERRUPTED LISTENING. For Spotify or other players, visit caloroga.com/plus. No plug-ins needed! You also get 20+ other shows on the network ad-free!
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    8 min
  • 2. In The Beginning
    Feb 20 2025
    From the moment white smoke appears, the transformation from cardinal to pope begins with remarkable speed. This episode explores the intense first days of a new papacy - a period when ancient traditions meet modern demands. We examine how different popes have made their mark immediately: John Paul the First refusing the papal throne, John the Twenty-Third shocking cardinals by announcing the Second Vatican Council, John Paul the Second breaking centuries of tradition as a non-Italian pope, and Francis washing the feet of Muslim prisoners. These crucial early decisions reveal how even small changes to papal traditions can signal seismic shifts in the Church's direction and set the tone for an entire pontificate.

    Unlock an ad-free podcast experience with Caloroga Shark Media! Get our shows on any player you love, hassle free! For Apple users, hit the banner on your Apple podcasts app which says UNITERRUPTED LISTENING. For Spotify or other players, visit caloroga.com/plus. No plug-ins needed! You also get 20+ other shows on the network ad-free!
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    12 min
  • 1. The First Nine Days
    Feb 20 2025
    When a pope dies, ancient traditions begin immediately. A silver hammer strikes his forehead three times. His ring is destroyed. Within hours, over one hundred cardinals begin traveling to Rome from every corner of the globe. In this episode, we explore the crucial first nine days after a pope's death - from the precise protocols of confirming death, to the elaborate funeral preparations, to the behind-the-scenes machinations that begin as soon as the throne of Saint Peter becomes vacant.

    Unlock an ad-free podcast experience with Caloroga Shark Media! Get our shows on any player you love, hassle free! For Apple users, hit the banner on your Apple podcasts app which says UNITERRUPTED LISTENING. For Spotify or other players, visit caloroga.com/plus. No plug-ins needed! You also get 20+ other shows on the network ad-free!
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    18 min