Today, Andrew and Tim discuss why Lauren Boebert is a potential threat to American democracy.
News Sources
- Business Insider - Rep. Lauren Boebert has been in the national spotlight even before her election to Congress. Here's a timeline of her biggest controversies.
- ABC News - Lauren Boebert will switch congressional districts in 2024 reelection bid
- The Guardian - Lauren Boebert blames ‘Hollywood elites’ for decision to switch districts
- Roll Call - Boebert still faces fight after district switch
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The show's theme song is "Circus" by Oleg Kirilkov and was procured via then remixed by Timmy Two Step for use in this show.
"They're Not Sending Their Best" was created by Tim Phillippe and Andrew K Turner and is a production of Shway Media and America! The Podcast Presents.
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