Whopper plopper
This lure is a treble hook and a detached tail at the end that makes the signature popping sound. It usually is a shiny color and bright so it attracts the fish. This lure works well as my friend has one and he used it in the Delaware river that we went fishing in he was walking it along a platform when a fish jumps for it and missed anyways the lure can be bought from many different tackle shops I have seen it at pretty much every tackle shop that i have been to. They are also on Amazon. Back to the Delaware
Fidhing story
I was fishing the Delaware with my buddy when we saw a little island and went to it. We were exploring the dried up Delaware and we found lots of things such as a knife and some lures. They were pretty old. We decided to walk along the dried bank and saw the island which is usually surrounded by water but today it was able to be accessed. I mean you always can access it but you would need to swim but we casted and caught nothing. We were packing up for the day when I was putting my hook on the hook keep my line wrapped around the tip and i pulled and it broke my rod. Thank you for listening and keep on casting.