We all know that there is a difference between a manager and a leader, right? I once worked for a guy who had the manager title, but I would rather jump in cow poop than call him a leader. But these guys wiggle their way into leadership positions and never self-improve to get better at their job.
Look, if you've been in the workforce for any amount of time, then chances are you can relate to bad management! They do things that make employees want to do anything but work! And the only thing that they lead people to do is to call in sick (when they actually feel just fine).
On the flip side, I'm sure you've known frontline employees with no title who were actually great leaders! And that's because leadership is an art form. It's a skill that is rooted in the person, not the position.
Today you are going to see why fathers are natural leaders. The skills of parenthood lend themselves perfectly to great leadership. The podcast episode covers 10 traits that all great leaders exhibit. The good news is that if you're a dad, then chances are you already have these skills! Now, it's just a matter of dialing them in and taking action out in the world!
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