The first 18 years of my life were spent growing up in a strict, religious cult. Church multiple days a week, private Christian school, no talking to the opposite sex, no secular music, etc. And without re-writing my book here, I'll keep this story short. When I left the home on my 18th birthday I started looking for answers to life's biggest moral questions. At the same time, trying to figure out how to just become a normal person... or better yet- my best self. I started my first business at 18, married by 19, and by 22 was burnt out and divorced. I really started to focus on this exploration of life which led me on some pretty extremes paths but also brought me closer to this understanding of "self" over time. I realized how important it was to have these external and internal explorations of the mind, body, and spirit. But I also noticed how valuable a diversified group of teachers were to my development.
Now, 18 years later, I've been able to help other people develop creative strategies for their own life or business. And this podcast is my way of sharing some of that information with everyone.
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Music from Mixkit.