In today’s episode we cover the top reasons you need a F45 LionHeart Heart Rate Monitor and what information they can give us about our workouts.
- To track your calories burned. To lose weight there’s 2 numbers that are CRUCIAL TO YOUR SUCCESS: calories in and calories out. A Lionheart will tell you exactly how many calories you burn in a training session so you’re no longer just guessing at how many calories you burned.
- Understand your average and maximum heart rate better. A Lionheart is basically a sneak peak into your inner workings. It lets you know how many times your heart is beating in any given minute. Do you have a high revving heart or low? What exercises raise your heart rate the most? You can find these out with a Lionheart.
- Challenge yourself everyday. A Lionheart can be another accountability measure to help push yourself. When weeks and months go by you will have to push yourself harder to get your heart rate up. The Lionheart uses an easy to understand 45 point scale to measure progress. Basically, if you average 75% or higher of your max heart rate for an entire class, you achieve 45 points. It will get tougher over time to hit 45 points, this is why you’ll need to push yourself.
- Easy data tracking. After every F45 session you get a convenient and easy to understand email that helps you track your data.
- It’s accurate. A frequent question we get is if the Lionheart measures the same as your Apple Watch or Fit Bit. Yes, they both measure heart rates, but in our experience the wrist based technology isn’t as accurate as the chest strap which the Lionheart utilizes. So if you have a wrist watch by all means use it, but do know that for most people the chest strap will consistently measure more accurately.
F45 LionHeart Heart Rate Monitor
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