
  • Invest in Yourself!!
    Jun 3 2023

    The most important thing to invest in is yourself. We require so much love and time sometimes we forget to give it to ourselves. Take some time for yourself, give yourself the love you deserve and THEN turn around and spread it outwards. We all deserve a good life and without any real effort it won't be achieved. 

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    24 min
  • Notice the little victories
    Apr 15 2023

    Sometimes we don't acknowledge the growth necesary to make big changes in life. When things dont feel like they are progressing the way you would like take a step back and recall the little things that got you to where you are. And if youre in a position where things just feel like they arent going anywhere, just wait. This too shall pass :) 

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    17 min
  • Is it Worth it to Feel it All?
    Feb 21 2023

    feelings leave us feeling really shitty, but how important are they? would living a life feeling nothing be better than feeling a bit down after certain experiences? take the time to really process your reactions and understand those characteristics a bit more.

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    25 min
  • The Forgotten Influence
    Nov 30 2022

    We always talk about our idols and those who have had a prolonged impact on our lives, but what about the influences we don't remember. It is so important ton want to inspire. Being a positive influence on those you wont remember is so important. you never know what someone is going through, so give them something nice to remember about you. It could just save their life. 

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    20 min
  • Perspective is Everything
    Nov 9 2022

    Life can be shit but it is what you make of it. Being dealt a shitty hand isn't ideal but we do the best we can. Keeping a respectful mindset and accepting things, people, and circumstances for what they are can do so much when trying to live a "happier" lifestyle.

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    20 min
  • You Are What You Say You Are
    Sep 5 2022

    Self criticism is a brutal thing, but can easily be combatted with some self love. Looking in a mirror and giving 1 compliment to yourself can go so far for yourself. It may be difficult but mama ain't raise no bitch so just do it, trust me. 

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    16 min
  • Heal That Inner Child in You
    Aug 23 2022

    I didn't realize how important doing things little me would be proud of. As we grow up we tend to lose focus on the fun things our childhood selves always wanted to do because it doesnt fit the typical lifestyle, but who cares. Find that activity that makes you feel young and free again and do it! Making that little kid happy once again will help you carry yourself through the hard days and give you something to look back and be proud of. 

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    11 min
  • Birthday Feels
    Aug 9 2022

    Don't be deceived by the title. Birthdays bring a lot of discomfort to some and in my case a lot of anxiety. Never been fond of my birthday nor did I think I'd have this many. Happy to be here but now lost because I was not prepared for an age this high.

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    16 min