Visit the online community for the Center for Non-Religious Spirituality for more discussion and resources related to the deconstruction/reconstruction process, recovering from religious trauma, and cultivating a post-religion spirituality.
A book to read, related to today's podcast: Finding Purpose in a Godless World: Why We Care Even If the Universe Doesn't Hardcover by Ralph Lewis
Visit the Center for Non-Religious Spirituality to accesses resources and discover a community of like-minded people. The CNRS online community exists for the following reasons:
- Making new friends and connections with people who are on a similar path, understand, and accept you as you are
- Being a community of support and encouragement for people who are in the process of rebuilding their lives after leaving religion
- Offering individual and group spiritual direction within the framework of "non-religious spirituality"
- Opportunities for individual and group counseling and support groups with trained professionals for those who have experienced religious trauma, spiritual abuse, or toxic religious indoctrination
- Providing a network of resources for people in the process of detox, deconstruction, and reconstruction