Having a network of Mom Community is massively important for building confidence and success in homeschooling. Cassie cracks open the topic this week that both Giggle Culture moms attribute a HUGE amount of their homeschooling success to!! They discuss how mom connections inspired and affected them and how-to start designing one of your own.
In schools, it's a daily occurrence to meet with other teachers in education department meetings or teacher team meetings to encourage and discuss everything pertaining to the classroom. We find that in homeschooling it is also a big deal for building confidence, taking away isolation, and realizing that there is a natural process all other families are experiencing too. Most issues in the home are common, but when we are alone, we can often think we are the only ones experiencing them. We encourage you to take a listen and build up one of the most important resources for you as a thriving homeschool mom.
We love to hear your thoughts too!!
Let us know if you have questions or insights to share.
Thank you for listening!