Despite the numerous recent fires that have gained public media attention, this year has been a less active fire season than we have seen in the last few years. While there are many factors that may have contributed to this, not the least of which may be the heavy snowfall in California over the winter, it is important to note that based on historical data the trend is towards more intense fire seasons during the summer and early fall months. For this reason, we chose to focus our September episode on wildland fire. During this episode we talk with Adam Mendonca, who is the Branch Chief for Strategic Fire Risk Reduction for the US Forest Service and has had years of experience directly fighting wildland fires and, more recently, managing the response to fires throughout the United States. This episode discusses not only how a fire response takes place, but also what you can do to help reduce the impact that wildfire could have on yourself, your family, and your property. Enjoy!Wildland Fire Resources:Wildfire Risk Assessment: : A great place to start assessing your wildfire risk and identifying how to reduce it. Homeowner Resources: Fire Prevention Tips: