Saturday of the 33rd Week in Ordinary Time
Memorial of Saint Clement I, Pope and Martyr, and Saint Columban, Abbot
In Catholic Lectionary Today's readings:
- 📖 First reading: Revelation 11:4-12
- 📖 Gospel: Luke 20:27-40 ✨
🌿 The readings today center on the courage to witness to God’s truth, the promise of resurrection, and eternal life with Him.
💖 In the first reading, the two witnesses in Revelation endure persecution, suffering martyrdom but are ultimately vindicated by God as they are resurrected and ascend to heaven. This powerful imagery reminds us that, although being a witness to God’s truth may involve trials and opposition, faithfulness to God leads to ultimate victory. It assures us that God’s power triumphs over death, granting eternal life to His faithful servants. 🌌
🌟 In the Gospel, the Sadducees challenge Jesus with a question about the resurrection, attempting to discredit the idea. Jesus responds by teaching that the resurrection is transformative: those who are raised are like angels, no longer bound by earthly constraints like marriage, and are children of God. He emphasizes that God is “not God of the dead, but of the living,” affirming the reality of resurrection and life beyond death for those who belong to Him. 🕊️
🕯️ On this memorial, we honor Saint Clement I, known for his leadership in the early Church and his courageous witness to the faith, and Saint Columban, a missionary who spread the Gospel with zeal and devotion. Their lives echo the message of today’s readings, demonstrating unwavering trust in God’s promises and the courage to bear witness to His truth.
Let us be inspired by their example to live as faithful witnesses, trusting in the hope of resurrection and eternal life with God. May we stand firm in our faith, confident that God’s power will bring us to share in His eternal glory. 🙏💖
#WitnessToFaith #GodOfTheLiving #PromiseOfResurrection #FaithfulStewardship #SaintClementAndSaintColumban
Warm Regards, The Guardian & Talisman
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