In the third episode of The Current, Texas State University President Kelly Damphousse talks with Zenarae Antoine, head coach of the women’s basketball team (Coach Z), about her days of being a student-athlete in the 90s and how that experience led her to coaching at TXST, the current state of women’s sports, and how coaching and parenting can often times intertwine with each other.
President Damphousse also talks with Hannah Rucker, daybreak traffic and news anchor at KVUE and TXST alum, about why she decided to pursue a degree in electronic media, how her professors helped shaped her professional development, and her passion to highlight children in the Texas foster care system in need of adoption with her weekly segment Forever Families.
Beth and Kelly Damphousse started the Kelly and Beth Damphousse Educational Support Endowment, which provides financial stance beyond traditional tuition coverage, helping with essential needs like clothing, housing, and technology.
Listen to new episodes of The Current every month on the TXST Podcast Network. Other podcasts on the network include Try @ TXST, Office Hours, Enlighten Me, and States Up.
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