
  • Claire Eden on the importance of failure, sitting in discomfort and "Obliger Rebellion",
    Oct 6 2023

    I loved this conversation, Claire is so thoughtful and interesting. Topics we covered included:

    • How Claire was told she was "too pretty to play the fat part".
    • What our Mums think about perimenopause.
    • How to be still when you're proactive and a do-er, so you can create the space for new stuff to come in to your life.
    • Hating hustle culture.
    • How it's not OK to ask about people's weight or whether or not they're gonna have kids.
    • The ideas of "Is this draining me and does it serve me?"

    And so much more. Stuff we mentioned:

    Gretchin Reubin 'Four Tendencies 'https://gretchenrubin.com/books/the-four-tendencies/
    How to Fail with Elizabeth Day https://open.spotify.com/show/4m7U7kNne0iu35HK571Ui8?si=44e04f5ca6374d05

    The Mel Robbins Podcast https://open.spotify.com/show/7vz4RYsD5MulTCrcH478t1?si=2dc47659bd3c4da9
    Ferne Cotton's Happy Place https://open.spotify.com/show/1J6Ddy4dcXjFZDmWQs3Pu0?si=7495e1d7eaf84492
    Charlotte Thorton Actors Mentor https://charlottethornton.com
    Positive Intelligence - Shirzad Charmaine & Anne-Marie Draycott https://www.positiveintelligence.com

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 25 min
  • The Power Of Laughing With Your Tribe
    Jun 15 2023

    Siara Illing-Ahmed is a Specialist in Performing Arts; writer, community arts engagement worker, acting coach, creative mentor, lecturer, PhD researcher and mother. Siara has worked in the arts sector for 22 years and now encourages social activism through artistry. 
    Siara and I discuss all sorts!

    • Being walking contradictions
    • The power of contentment
    • I learn the meaning of the word diasporic and Siara describes herself as inappropriate.
    • Vulnerability and armouring up
    • Needing to misbehave more in midlife
    • Siara's experiences of racism
    • Diet culture and anti fat bias
    • How women and their bodies are represented in theatre

    The musical we discuss is "SIX", more info here: https://www.sixthemusical.com/

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 7 min
  • Good enough is good enough with Ruth Richards
    Sep 28 2022

    Ruth and I chat about changing the world, what is a normal life and the fact we only have 4000 weeks on earth.

    We avoided the topic of Brexit as we didn't have wine and discussed the value of "just sitting with your crap".

    Other chats include; Motherhood, being kind to yourself, the assumption of positive intent, coping with world news and the media in general and of course, because I'm obsessed with her, I mention Brene Brown.

    I also make a puking sound at the thought of baking for the PTA... I can only apologise for that.

    Stuff we mention:

    • Life Loves You by Robert Holden and Louise Hay
    • Humankind by Rutger Bregman
    • 4000 Weeks by Oliver Burkeman
    • Brene Brown on doing the best we can. https://youtu.be/w5TkA7d7eTw
    Voir plus Voir moins
    59 min
  • Menopause, midlife and leaving a marriage.
    Sep 1 2022

    Welcome to the FIRST EVER episode of Women Of A Certain Age!

    I am pretty sweary, so please don't listen if that is going to offend you.

    In this episode I chat to Laura Shuckburgh, who is a coach and menopause specialist. We cover all sorts of topics and have a laugh along the way. There's loads of great stuff including...

    • Boundaries and saying no.
    • Periods, perimenopause and menopause.
    • Breaking free, leaving a marriage and following your dream.
    • Shame and "Shoulding".
    • Getting aligned with your values.
    • Motherhood and careers.
    • Being judgmental and what that means.
    • Dancing (or not) with men in nightclubs...

    I admit to the whole world that "I mostly ignore my kids" so I can't wait to receive my mum of the year nomination! ;-) 

    laura@marvellousmidlife.co.uk www.marvellousmidlife.co.uk


    I refer to Lousie Hay's "Shoulding Exercise" which is in her book You Can Heal Your Life https://www.louisehay.com/

    and also Mel Robbin's High Five Method. https://www.high5habit.com/

    Please like, review and subscribe and share this with anyone you think might enjoy it. Also, get in touch via ruth@daretorise.co.uk or on insta @ruthi_rises


    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 16 min