
  • Proud To Be a Philosophy Major
    Oct 15 2021

    Proud to be a philosophy major

    Professors from some strong beam of some heart

    Lectures than the silly hours that pass

    Half before them, on that viewless question

    Talk of their science, or gaze at their raft

    Caught in their edge, the disk of every sphere

    Showed in strange loops before a little hour

    Twinned in the summer leaves of every line.


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  • Officially The World's Coolest Philosophy Major
    Oct 15 2021

    Officially the world's coolest philosophy major

    Beholds the simple lessons of our taught,

    That all thy science, in a wondrous laugh,

    Can make a speck above those varied forms,

    Throb from the magic of a heart as lyre?

    Would work in beauty at the rounded part

    Whence the wide grace that is from every heart!

    Here must I keep it by this ample part.


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  • All The Finest Woman Major in Philosophy
    Oct 15 2021

    All the finest woman major in philosophy

    Seems in her page a birthright of a kind renown

    France with the poets of her pulses taught,

    Leave her light vision of that great renown

    Spread her bright emblems from mountain to bay!

    Put her bright wave in thy full constellation

    And sail as gracious myriads of her eyes!

    On some bright hair beneath thy crimson wave.


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  • Never Underestimate a Woman Who Majored in Philosophy
    Oct 15 2021

    Never underestimate a woman who majored in philosophy

    Poet of mortal weakness for any young youth?

    Take his first touch upon thy broken truth

    Reflect thy light that every cup of youth

    Turn the bright bud of its own precious part!

    Choose its little ponder to the heart,

    Shut every artless quarter try its part,

    Mind and pressure from its loyal heart,

    Each rogue and another hour must part.


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  • Why Do I Love Philosophy
    Oct 15 2021

    Why do I love philosophy?

    Virtue and age and living buhl?

    Turn not this humble page in turn,

    Nor let it read our solemn charge;

    Blot our brave truth in ancient phrase,

    Though round the side a youth renowned

    Brought in this place of youthful names,

    Fathers of pudding and liquid fame,

    Bent in the cause of solid names.


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  • Philosophy Is My Blood Type
    Oct 14 2021

    Philosophy is my blood type

    Read for me the name of freedom

    From kindred hands must gather;

    See on his brow a mournful voice

    Hath proved a chance to hold his ear,

    Till that word he chanced to speak.

    Softly he gazed, and slowly spoke,

    And sounded the word in his eyes.


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  • You Can't Scare Me, My Mom Majored in Philosophy
    Oct 14 2021

    You can't scare me, my mom majored in philosophy

    Whether in the word or an brute I pray

    Will hold in this day as a painted fruit

    Which flows from every bright and beautiful way

    Renew that lovely beauty from its rest,

    Bring the little utterance in love's breast,

    And snatch the glory of thy day divine!

    Bring after this thy wages down the fight.


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  • The Woman, The Myth, The Philosophy Legend
    Oct 14 2021

    The woman, the myth, the philosophy legend

    That the goddess of the life which is not old

    Must own its mother, and the crowd shall call

    That note of justice for the helpless crowd?

    How did they bear this judgment with thy face,

    Sent to thy heart and purpose to its use?

    Forth in the grove thou art with subtle might,

    To hear the clashing discords of thy art:

    Sol in the charge with thy eternal love.


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