
  • Why did my WCB premiums increase?
    Aug 13 2024

    Everyone likes surprises when you get money. Nobody likes surprises that cost you money. Especially when you've been doing all you can to keep expenses low. When you've tried to do the right thing, but out of nowhere the WCB springs a bill on you that you didn't expect.

    What's worse, there isn't much of an understanding why. There is no explanation. Only there was a recalculation and you owe them money.

    In this episode I share the 3 most common reasons WCB premiums increase and what you can do about it.

    Do you have an idea for an episode? Maybe you're facing a WCB issue you want addressed?

    1. Go to workerscompsimplified.com

    2. Click the "contact an expert button"

    3. Tell us!

    Contact Anthony Butkovic | Workers Comp Simplified:

    • Website: WorkersCompSimplified.com
    • LinkedIn: Workers Comp Simplified
    • YouTube: Workers Comp Simplified
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    26 min
  • Rallying your team in a losing WCB claim
    Jul 30 2024

    You have a plan and it's not working. You can't make sense of the situation, but your team is looking to you to guide them to achieving the goal.

    How you react in chaotic situations can be the difference between a fantastic come back story or a complete breakdown.

    In this episode, I talk about how I help clients bring their teams back from the brink. What strategies I took from pro sports to help folks like you achieve the goals you want even when they don't start the way you wanted.

    Contact Anthony Butkovic | Workers Comp Simplified:

    • Website: WorkersCompSimplified.com
    • LinkedIn: Workers Comp Simplified
    • YouTube: Workers Comp Simplified
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    24 min
  • How to use incident reenactments to your advantage
    Jul 16 2024

    Getting the story of what happened when a worker reports symptoms sets the foundation of how you're going to handle the WCB claim going forward. When you reenact an incident, it's important to get certain things right to really leverage this great resource. It's just another tool to have when you need it.

    In this episode, we discuss the importance of doing a reenactment as well as the 3 areas you want to focus on each time.

    Contact Anthony Butkovic | Workers Comp Simplified:

    • Website: WorkersCompSimplified.com
    • LinkedIn: Workers Comp Simplified
    • YouTube: Workers Comp Simplified
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    23 min
  • Answering your questions about WCB
    Jul 2 2024

    Have you ever wondered if you're the only one that worries about stuff when it comes to WCB? In this episode we share the questions and concerns we get from clients and listeners wanting to get rid of the fear that comes with dealing with WCB claims.

    In today's episode we discuss the strategies I use when writing a WCB appeal letter. I share what the responsibilities are of WCB in Canada...and it's not what you think...and a lot more!

    Have a question for future episode?

    1. Go to workerscompsimplified.com
    2. Click the "contact an expert" button
    3. Send us your questions.

    It's really that simple!

    Contact Anthony Butkovic | Workers Comp Simplified:

    • Website: WorkersCompSimplified.com
    • LinkedIn: Workers Comp Simplified
    • YouTube: Workers Comp Simplified
    Voir plus Voir moins
    28 min
  • How to avoid a WCB lost time claim
    Jun 18 2024

    Common knowledge says that to avoid a WCB claim, just offer modified duties. While that is a piece of the puzzle there are several things you should consider before it gets to this point to help you avoid the dreaded "lost time claim."

    Join me in discussing other ways successful companies avoid lost time claims.

    Think you have a question that is worth noting on the Monthly Mail Bag episode?

    Go to workerscompsimplified.com and click the “contact an expert button” you never know. It could be featured in our next episode!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    25 min
  • Do second chances belong in OHS and WCB
    Jun 4 2024

    After many discussions over the years debating different topics, some of the most heated have been when someone deserves a second chance and when you should cut them loose. Move on...or...cancel them from society.

    I don't care what side of the fence you're on, but this episode helps unravel the process and decision making that goes into giving someone a second chance.

    Have your own thoughts about this episode? Have a topic for a future episode?

    Then go to workerscompsimplified.com....click the "contact an expert" button and let us know!

    Contact Anthony Butkovic | Workers Comp Simplified:

    • Website: WorkersCompSimplified.com
    • LinkedIn: Workers Comp Simplified
    • YouTube: Workers Comp Simplified
    Voir plus Voir moins
    21 min
  • Why we choke during major incidents
    May 14 2024

    Whether your front line workers, the CEO, or someone in between, you have a job to do. That job is never more important than when there is pressure to achieve a result. That's because you're often counted on meeting that pressure and getting the job done.

    Yet, we've all seen it. Professional athletes falling short at the most critical times. Co-workers being unable to do the simplest things because the "pressure got to them."

    How you deal with pressure can not only determine your own success and mental health, but also the success of the organization that counts on you.

    Drawing on my experience in workers compensation, professional football, and as a mental performance coach, I'll discuss the common situations that cause us pressure and 4 things you can do to overcome it.

    Want to get in touch with me directly?

    1. Go to https://workerscompsimplified.com/
    2. Click the "contact an expert button"
    3. Tell me what's on your mind or how I can help.

    Contact Anthony Butkovic | Workers Comp Simplified:

    • Website: WorkersCompSimplified.com
    • LinkedIn: Workers Comp Simplified
    • YouTube: Workers Comp Simplified
    Voir plus Voir moins
    37 min
  • OHS - Journey to Burnout
    Apr 30 2024

    WCB is making horrible decisions on the simplest of claims. Bosses that don't support you or understand what you need to get the job done. Tools and resources that are needed seem to never be available or are "not in the budget."

    This is just some of things we're going to discuss, but is quickly becoming the reasons more and more health and safety professionals are feeling burned out.

    Come join me on this discussion and perhaps even feel free to weigh in!

    Do you have any thoughts or questions you want answered? Perhaps featured on a future episode?

    1. Go to workerscompsimplified.com
    2. Click the "contact and expert" button
    3. Leave your comment / question

    Contact Anthony Butkovic | Workers Comp Simplified:

    • Website: WorkersCompSimplified.com
    • LinkedIn: Workers Comp Simplified
    • YouTube: Workers Comp Simplified
    Voir plus Voir moins
    28 min