
  • History’s Most Ironic Deaths
    May 27 2022
    In today’s totally, serious, and not funny podcast, we talk about History’s most ironic, or karmedic deaths. Karmedic, being a new word I just made up, meaning: funny stories filled with karma. Such as the death row inmate that escaped the electric chair only to be accidentally electrocuted to death, or the ancient philosopher that died after being struck by a flying tortoise. These true stories and many more will be broken down in today’s morbid Wormhole. Let’s jump in! Sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_unusual_deaths https://thoughtcatalog.com/jim-goad/2016/01/the-25-most-supremely-ironic-deaths-in-world-history/ https://thoughtcatalog.com/maria-monrovia/2018/09/funny-last-words/
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    44 min
  • Alien Hand Syndrome
    Apr 21 2022
    Karen Byrne was 27, and she decided she had had enough. For the past 17 years Karen’s life had been ruled by constant epileptic seizures. These seizures prevented Karen from living a normal life. So in 1983, Karen elected to undergo a controversial surgery in which a doctor would cut a section of the brain supposedly responsible for the constant epilepsy and stop them from happening. When Karen awoke post surgery everything appeared to be normal. She was not suffering from any negative side effects from the surgery, and most importantly, the seizures had vanished. Karen was thrilled, she could finally go back to living the normal life she had always wanted; seizure free. However Karen’s “normal life” was about to be turned upside down, and replaced, with a new problem far worse then seizures. Without explanation, Karen’s left hand seemed to have gained a mind of it’s own. This “evil hand” would now rule Karen’s life, and she soon realized she had no control over it. Let’s jump into another Wormhole, where we’ll discuss the real life phenomenon known as Alien Hand Syndrome. Sources: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4059570/ https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnhum.2017.00198/full https://jnnp.bmj.com/content/65/3/366 https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-12225163.amp
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    35 min
  • Dissociative Amnesia
    Apr 12 2022
    Jody Roberts was a 26 year old, up and coming reporter for the News Tribune in Washington, and was making a name for herself as reputable and tough crime reporter in the local area. Then, in the Spring of 1985, Jody disappeared without a trace. Immediately, theories and gossip of her disappearance began spreading. Jody’s family believed foul play; possibly abduction or homicide. Friend’s and co-workers thought she had runaway from the stressors of her life. Although she had a successful career as a reporter, she had difficulty in juggling the many demands of her job and personal life. However, the reality of Jody’s disappearance was far more surprising. After 12 years of searching her family would be notified their daughter had been located alive and well. However she was no longer Jody Roberts, but Jane Dee. Jane was living in Alaska with a new family, and she had no memory of her former life, her family, her friends or her career. Jody, now Jane, had forgotten it all and no one knew why. Let’s jump into another Wormhole, with your host Chris Berry, where we explore dissociative amnesia, it’s history, causes and real life stories. Sources: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychogenic_amnesia https:/amp.thenewstribune.com/news/local/crime/article167733012.html https://www.livescience.com/60551-bizarre-amnesia-cases.html https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjaman_Kyle
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    1 h et 2 min
  • Black Eyed Children
    Apr 8 2022
    Imagine you’re in the comfort of your own home late one night when you hear a light knock at the door. Upon opening the door you are greeted by two small children telling you they are lost and wondering if they can come in and use your phone. Although they are speaking in a strange monotone voice, they seem harmless. And they should be, after all, they’re just little kids. But you just can’t shake that weird feeling that something bad is about to happen. To your utter horror you realize these aren’t ordinary children. Looking into their eyes, you find, where colored pupils should be, are two dark pits of completely black eyes. Let’s dive into another Wormhole, with your host Chris Berry, where we discuss all about Black Eyed Kids, their origins and first hand run-ins with these soulless children. Sources: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black-eyed_children https://web.archive.org/web/20151208221117/http://www.reporternews.com/news/columnists/brian-bethel/brian-bethel-recounts-his-possible-paranormal-encounter-with-beks-ep-384772497-348207271.html https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackEyedKidsStories/comments/nzub20/ok_this_is_my_story_it_happened_many_years_back/
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    1 h et 4 min
  • The Lazarus Effect
    Apr 1 2022
    For most people the hands of time continually tick away until, at some unforeseen moment, it all stops, and they find themselves taking their last breath. But what if we were given a second chance at life? What if we died and could came back? Let’s jump into today’s Wormhole with your host, Chris Berry, where we break down the Lazarus Phenomenon. Real life stories about people that died and were given the rare opportunity to rise and live again. Sources: https://amp.freep.com/amp/5981327002 https://www.neatorama.com/2008/05/27/woman-came-back-from-the-dead-after-17-hours-with-no-measurable-brain-waves/ https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/317645#What-is-Lazarus-syndrome?
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    30 min
  • Sea Voyaging Survivors
    Mar 21 2022
    Since the dawn of time, the mystery of the sea has been a lure to man’s curious nature. Throughout the centuries advances in navigation, voyaging, and naval craftsmanship have been made in an attempt to more easily traverse the water’s vastness. However, if human’s have learned nothing else about the sea in all it’s time, it’s that no matter the tools used to tame her, the sea is unpredictable, unforgiving and deadly. Let’s jump into another Wormhole, with your host Chris Berry, where we reel in the world’s craziest sea survival stories to discover what we find. Sources: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wikiDougal_Robertson https://explorersweb.com/great-survival-stories-harrison-okene-the-accidental-aquanaut/
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    29 min
  • Hysterical Strength
    Mar 18 2022
    With modern society inundating us with stories, movies and tv shows of superheroes. It’s easy to imagine a world where an everyday man or women is gifted powers of super strength. But what if those stories weren’t only available to the purely fictional. What if we lived in a world where everyday, average men, women and children find real life super strength in themselves in moments of extreme peril and danger. Join in today’s Wormhole as we breakdown the phenomenon and real life stories of instances known as Hysterical Strength.
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    33 min
  • Wormhole (Trailer)
    Moins d'une minute