People always ask "did you get to meet famous people" - well sure of course. Then they ask what they were like. Well, some were nicer than others. This week Darwin and Cat talk about their worst guests and worst interviews ever. The parade of mental patients, clowns, and mishaps includes: Allison Mack, Travis Meeks (Days of the New), Paul DiMeo, High Pitch Eric (Howard Stern Show), Jeff the Drunk (Howard Stern Show), Crazy Cabbie (Howard Stern Show), Three Days Grace, Chelsea Handler, Buckcherry, Trapt, Jared from Subway, Dennis Hof, Art Alexakis (Everclear), Elmo from Elmo and Patsy.
#AllisonMack, #TravisMeeks #DaysoftheNew, #PaulDiMeo, #HighPitchEric #HowardSternShow, #JefftheDrunk , #CrazyCabbie, #ThreeDaysGrace, #ChelseaHandler, #Buckcherry, #Trapt, #JaredfromSubway, #DennisHof, #ArtAlexakis, #Everclear, #ElmoandPatsy